Please criticize all you want, it will only help me with ideas on how to finish my entire back piece
This is just the outline…anything else I should add in the empty space outside of the body besides shadows or clouds…give me some ideas…something that flows with what I have. Thank you
Looks pretty rough, definitely not the best.
The scales are quite sloppy, especially towards the bottom of the dragon & the body seems to vary in thickness at points. It all seems very amateur.
Who is your artist? Is it different from the person that did the dragon’s head?
I think it would look okay with some Japanese flowers, and some wind bars maybe.
What do you think about it? Are you pleased?
The scales are quite sloppy, especially towards the bottom of the dragon & the body seems to vary in thickness at points. It all seems very amateur.
Who is your artist? Is it different from the person that did the dragon’s head?
I think it would look okay with some Japanese flowers, and some wind bars maybe.
What do you think about it? Are you pleased?
Yeah its 2 different artist. Seriously I know its not all that great but for $300 I guess this is what I deserve. Pay for what you get…hopefully after the shading and everything is done it will look a lot better than that it looks like now. Thanks for the criticism, I am happy my head now has a body but you are right, the scales could have been done a lot better.
How long did it take?
I’m curious to see some of this artists other work, do you have an info on him?
And while I agree with you it will look different with color and shading; I would be wary about the artist, considering the not-top-notch outline. Just be very careful, you can switch up artists now (I know it’s not quite the proper etiquette), but it’s your body, and you shouldn’t settle for anything less than awesome.
I’m curious to see some of this artists other work, do you have an info on him?
And while I agree with you it will look different with color and shading; I would be wary about the artist, considering the not-top-notch outline. Just be very careful, you can switch up artists now (I know it’s not quite the proper etiquette), but it’s your body, and you shouldn’t settle for anything less than awesome.
The outline took about 1 hour, the artist name is marco and his website is
I see. Hmm, well it all looks pretty rough to me.
If I were you I would try to get it finished by a different artist.
If I were you I would try to get it finished by a different artist.
Thanks for the input man
+1 for going to a different artist to have it finished. its not very well done…
+1 for a different artist.
Also, in my honest opinion, the proportions seem a bit off. I feel like the body is too large – especially too “thick” if that makes sense, english isnt’t my first language – in relation to the head.
I suggest you step back for a moment and remind yourself that your back is the largest canvas that you have to offer. I know it’s easy to say cause it’s not my money, but cost shouldn’t keep you from getting a killer tattoo! After all, it’s forever, and if it doesn’t turn out well it will be impossible to cover up once you have it coloured in. So I recommend you look at the artists in your general area and maybe even a bit further out and make sure you pick the right one for the job instead of rushing into something you may regret later on!
Good luck and keep us updated please
I agree with the others — look around for a better artist – a lot of work there for an hour – so that would imply a rushed non-professional job to me – and the scales and proportion do look rushed. As far as I’m concerned ( though an artist may disagee !) the outline should be the easiest bit and if its following a stencil it should be absolutely perfect ! – the shading and highlighting etc.. is what sets it a good artist apart. If the outline is rough – the shading will be worse ! – find someone else -if it costs ten times the price it’ll still be worth it !
yeah it looks pretty rough. did he free hand the scales? the body of the dragon doesnt look right at all. the belly scales even look off. what type of dragon are you going for japanese or midevil like? i thinkt he scales can be fixed. they will definetly have to be relined and you might have to go for a dark colored dragon. Who are you getting to do the rework. Are you in houston? Ive seen alot of stuff by Johnny Jackson at Texas Body Art and he is solid. i also met these guys at a tattoo convention in san angelo. they worked at scorpion tattoo studio. i looked through there portfolios and they had some great work. If your willing to travel, i would definetly go to austin. i think they have the best tattooist in texas there, thats where i get all my work. Well good luck and hang in there it, your back piece will turn out great.
I am definitely taking everyones word and see what I can do…are there any artist here that can photoshop or edit my picture to make it look better? Change or fix the parts that needs to be fixed…I would greatly appreciate that
So after the stencil was applied why didn’t you say NOOOOOO!!!. Couldn’t you tell it was fucked then?? The scales just ruin the whole piece. Was this an artist with a shop??
And what would that accomplish? The tattoo is still messed up on your back even though someone fixes the picture for you.
Dude, you don’t need photo shop. Go to someone who is very talented, take your shirt off and say two words: “Fix me”. They will know what to do.
And while we are at it, when you have $100 dollars to spend for a tattoo, get a $100 dollar tattoo. Unless you are giving head to your artist or you guys worked out some sort of trade 100 dollars should get you a very small tattoo. The DEPOSIT on my sleeve was $300 just for him to do the drawings. You get what you pay for in life and now you have to live with that.
All is not lost, you just need to either accept a really bad tattoo and move on with your life OR find someone that can take that scaly penis with arms on your back and make it look like a dragon. There is nothing photoshop or this forum can do for you beyond that.
Post some pics up when you are done. If you go cheap it will be a good laugh for us. If you man up and fix it, we will all chip in and buy you a pretzel.
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