He has one butterfly in the thread:
I haven’t quite gotten to that level yet. I’m still learning the rudiments of tattooing. I’ve got a long way to go. If I tried it now it would end up in the WTF thread.
LOL! Hardly there, especially since knowing it’s done by an apprentice DOES give a different perspective 😀
I think I’d love to see you do a rendition on life-like animals like brightly colored butterflies. Will enjoy waiting and seeing you progress 🙂
that’s wht i meant, like proper butterflies rather than the traditional style interpretation 🙂 let me know if you do any i want to see them! 😀
Here’s the second sitting of that Japanese-ish lion tattoo. I’ll be doing another sitting on it and adding more texture and finishing off the mane. I am having so much fun on this thing.
Another new one.
that lion looks awesome! good job. The anchor also looks good but i feel that some of the lines on the anchor itself aren’t even, on some points theyre a bit wobly and thicker

Dang that’s looking pretty fly. Sculpted lines? Where are you at in your apprenticeship?
From my reckoning, I’d say he’s just hitting his 11th month mark.
I doubt being this good in only a few months is normal. Must be some kind of freak :p
I really like that anchor, and that lion is looking pretty sick, also. Considering where you’re at, overall you do some real nice tattoos and it seems like you have the skills to get a lot better. Serious potential.
I think right now I’m at a little over ten months. The only reason I am where I am in terms of development is because I work really hard and draw constantly. It doesn’t hurt that I’m in my early thirties. I’ve had some extra time to develop as an artist. Thanks to everyone for the honest criticism.
I don’t just want to tattoo. I don’t want to be good. My aim is to eventually and with a ton of hard work, be one of the best in the business. I want to be a force to be reckoned with someday. Anything less will be a disservice to my mentors.
You’re a wonderful artist, David. Keep at it.
When I make my way up there to Buffalo, I’m definitely popping in your shop. 🙂
I see progress getting a little better with each one. I couldnt help to notice the negative comment right out the gate on this post. Ignore it cause you got some nice work thats getten better with time like anything in life. Just curious, what type of liner and shader are you using?
Um, bro, I don’t want to call you a moron out of hand, but please read the entire post before you comment. (Re: Buttwheat’s first response) You may apologize to Sir Buttwheat now.
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