Hi everyone I am Ricardo and I am from Portugal. I have this tatoo that I would like to coverup I realy don’t know if it’s going to be hard to do or not I don’t know what I want to cover it um with but I do know that I don’t want color just black with shading. I was thinking in something tribles but something to do with water, ocean like the hawaiian tattoos any ideas.
we can’t help you if you don’t post a picture?
A good artist will be able to cover that nicely. You could cover it with a koi fish and some water in the background, or something like that
Really? Koi? Ugh! *rolls eyes* But seriously, yeah, that should cover easily. I recommend covering it with some cool tribal!

tribals need to be banished.
I’d take a koi over that abomination he’s got there currently any day.
PS who’s the chick in the pic, and is she single?
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