looks AWESOME dude!!
Nice nice, i love zombies and all horror related tattoos so this is right up my alley. i must admit the work is not top notch but it still looks good and with zombies theres alot of artistic freedom so i think the artist could have been alittle more creative. but overall i like, i like it alot.
Haven’t you posted a picture of this before?
yeaaa but i wasnt a good pic and this was 2 3 days after i got it done
if you are happy thats is what matters, but I think you should go for a better quality artist, her nose is jacked, eyes are not right. color blends on face not right…………just my 2 cents

have to say i agree im afraid, i find the green of her face very dense and dark and the hair and eyes could have been done better, but im glad you’re happy with it 🙂
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