These are the 2 tattoo’s i have recently had on my chest. I love them both and i want to continue the design idea of the dia de los muertos style over my whole front upper body, chest, neck, abdomen, stomach, ribs and maybe also 1 sleeve, i have the beginnings of a sugar skull on my stomach, but its not finished yet 🙂 left side right side
To all mods.. These are not links to tattoo design websites, 😀 i have a tattoo appreciation page which is where my tats are posted, these links go here, i hope this is ok 😀
it is a very popular style, Ilike dia de los muertos for the fact that the mexican (and peruvian and other) culture celebrates death with happiness, eating, drinking, music and fun…………I think we americans have it all wrong………….celebrate the lives of those lost
i agree, celebrate the lives of those once lost, celebrate with happiness for their memory, celebrate with love, with life, and everything that makes you happy to be alive!
you know it, I have always thought we really do it wrong here in the states, dark suits, women crying, all freakin down and beat, standing around in a hot graveyard…………….shit thats not who our friend was or family memember, they were fun and living life, lets celebrate their life, lets celebrate all the good times we had, celebrate that we can still party with them on this annual day
exactly!! My funeral better be a party, otherwise i’m coming back to haunt! lol
I am seeing this style of the women everywhere now, at first I thought wow, now I think oh that again :S
true enough its a popular design, but i think a lot of differences occur when you create the design yourself, inspiration always comes from something that exists somewhere, music, art, anything, its all inspiration and we are all inspired somewhere along the line by something that already exists, my artistic capabilities are limited so i must rely on the artwork of my tattoo artist, but when it comes down to it, i think he did a brilliant job. i want to get more of this style over the front half of my body, and a sleeve maybe, not all about la katrina, but dia de los muertos.
It’s been done really beautifully, no denying it. I just really love to see tattoos I’ve never seen before cos it’s exciting to see what new artwork can come to life on the skin. I agree with you about artistic capabilities, I soooo badly wish I could draw and mock up my ideas, it’s so hard to translate them across to the artist, I can’t even draw a straight line pmsl
lmao, i know what you mean
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