
    Hello everyone…

    I am Jon… in Tennessee. Besides being a Tattoo-Freak, I am also part of a new National Magazine named, StatusInk. If you don’t mind, I will tell you more about it.

    StatusInk (http://www.statusink.com) was created to raise the status of the tattoo. We are striving to become the beacon of tasteful men’s (and women) magazines. We focus on the earliest forms of artistic expression: Tattoos. We maintain a tasteful nude depiction of the female figure, displaying incredible body art. With that in mind, our cuttin edge articles, straight talking sex-therapy, in depth interviews and much more you can relate to will be the void between all the existing magazines and provide our readers the best of ALL worlds with StatusInk. Just like our statement says, “THE BEST DAMN TATTOO MAGAZINE IN THE BUSINESS”.

    Check us out on-line at: http://www.statusink.com – If you’re a tattoo-artist or just a tattoo-freak like myself and you want to subscribe… ask me for the Promo Code and I’ll hook you up with a special price. ADMIN? Want to promote? PM or Email me on how you can benefit from it as well. We’re also looking for talent throughout the U.S. for editorial or photos to add in upcoming issues.

    Email me directly: jonl@statusink.com

    Look forward to contribute to the Forum as well as making new friends.



    Wow! The magazine sounds awesome. =] Looking forward to seeing you around, Jon.

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