
    Aloha! I am brand new to this forum so thought I’d say hello!

    I just had my second tattoo done on Monday so thought it’d be nice to chat to like minded folk about aftercare and the healing process in general, I also love looking at other people’s tattoos!

    Look forward to chatting to you all!

    Lizzie x


    well i had mine done about 5 weeks ago and started to use a cream called bupanthen and i brought my arm out in a bad rash so i used savalon which made it worse and in the end i used e45 which worked wonders and it has just about healed now and has taken 5 weeks to nearly sort it out, so thats my story anyway welcome to the site hope to see soe pics of ur new tat.


    Hi and welcome

    Looking foward to seeing the ink.

    Take Care

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