
    My name is Tegan. I’m only 15 years old now, but I’m gathering information so that I’m well informed in the future…I just want to get a couple of small tattoos ><
    As for me…I love to read and write. It’s my dream to be an author, but I know that that’s a reaalllyyy hard business to get into, so I’m studying for something in ICT (then I can write my books on the side).
    I adore music and am an accomplished shower singer. I love bands like All Time Low and The Used, but I’m vv open.
    I’m glad to be here!


    Hello Tegan, and welcome. I’m glad you are researchingtattooing with the idea of the future. My advise to you is the same I give to all younger enthusiasts. Research the art, make friends and contacts, get help on design, and find what you are really trying to express. Understand that tattooing is a forever choice, so don’t make mistakes. Be picky about your artist, save money so you can get what you want, and wait until you are sure.

    I look forward to posting with you.


    Hi Teagan

    Glad you got a sensible head on when it comes to ink.

    If you click on my signature I wrote a tattoo e-book which is an intro for beginners to learn the basics about what a tattoo is, how it works, the risks etc.

    It is free and wrote it to give something back to the tattoo community. It might help with some of the more basic questions.

    Take Care


    Hello and welcome Tegan, you sound like a very well balanced sensible teenager, didn’t think there were any of those! Pleased to see that you are putting a lot of thought and research into your future, both tattoo and career wise. I wish you all the best and look forwards to chatting with you and hearing some of your ideas. Kindest regards – Karen


    Welcome to the forums.


    Great post nice information thanks for this post

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