
    Hi everyone,
    Just joined and thought id share my ideas for my first tattoo as well as some other questions that are on my mind.

    I want my tattoo to incorporate my daughter into it somehow, she has just turned 1 and my girlfriend said she would pay for it as a fathers day gift.
    I have 2 designs in mind the first is this http://www.artofthestate.co.uk/Banksy/Banksy_Santas_Ghetto_Girl_with_balloon.htm
    I would have her DOB put on the balloon, to me it would signify how quickly she is growing and remind me to make the most of every minute with her.

    The other idea is to have a set of headphones in the same kind of stencil style and the trailing lead spelling out her first name because her name is like music to my ears, a bit corny I know! This tattoo would also incorporate my love of music.
    Here are two headphone pics to get the idea for the kind of thing im aiming for.
    Here are some sketches I have done to design her name in the lead, it should read KARA.

    Id love to know peoples thoughts and also which one of the names on the last pic looks most like her name and which looks best.

    I also have a few other thoughts about the tattoo.
    Im quite a hairy guy does it matter if its done and hair grows over it a bit? I just would not want a good bit of art to look crap because of my hair!
    Would the hair cause any problems with the healing process?
    Can anyone recommend a studio near High Wycombe that would be suitable for the kind or tattoo art I want? I don’t mind traveling for an hour or so. My girlfriend does not understand why I don’t just go to the nearest one! I have tried to explain but she still does not get it, she thinks one and all are the same.

    Thanks for the help and sorry if my questions are stupid.



    First of all both will make excellent tattoos although you will need a very experienced tattooist for the second one if it is including headphones – the dimensions can be really hard to get right.

    The first name top left is the clearest but my advice is to get the artist to draw something which is perfectly legible whilst still clearly a wire.

    Body hair can be an issue when the tattoo is healing in that it can itch like mad.

    Try and either shaving the area so that it is really smooth or waxing the area 5 days or so before – do not do it the day before as the skin can become inflamed and irritated.

    Do not tattoo where you have any ingrowing hairs as can cause infection.

    If you like old school style I saw this website and they seem to do good stuff (just an idea but as I have not been in person so check them out properly)


    Hope that helps

    Take Care


    Nice information thanks for this post


    Thanks for the reply Matthew.
    I did look at woodys and have known where it is since I was very young. I checked out there pics as a first stop then have looked at many other places since. Since you posted the link I looked again and have to say woody’s work looks really good compared to some of the stuff I have seen. I will have to pop in there and have a look around in the next few weeks.

    Never been waxed before, think id be more worried about that than having the tattoo done 😮


    I have decided to go for the first tattoo idea. I think it is a more meaningful tattoo.
    I have looked a fair few places now around my area and the one that stands out best is Woody’s and a guy there called Jammes. Here is his gallery http://www.woodystattoostudio.com/JAMMES%20%20GALLERY%2013.htm

    Im going to try and get the tattoo done in the next week or so.


    Well his album is just awesome. I think I might just book a flight over there just to get a tat by him. 🙂


    Seems Jammes is booked out all day tomorrow. Ill get Jay or Lee to do it. Jay looks good also.

    At least its an easy design, if it were a custom id wait for Jammes to do it.

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