    flying eyeball tattoo

    Hello I’m Tatu Mike, I’m the owner of Flying Eyeball Tattooing in Corpus Christi TX. I opened the studio in November of 1990 shortly after completing an apprenticeship under an artist named Wayne Edwards.

    It wasn’t my intention to open my own place and cut my mentor’s throat, he had personal issues for which he had to relocate out of state. Luckily he helped me start on my own.

    I was a close personal friend of the late Bob Shaw, and took every opportunity to spend time at his last tattoo studio in Aransas Pass TX where he mentored me even further over the next few years until he passed away in March 1993.

    Since that time I’ve been the only artist at my studio for the next 17 years, having only a business partner who acted as my manager and assistant as I only did the artwork. He retired last October and again luck was on my side as I found an excellent and trustworthy apprentice by March 2009. I’m picky as hell and very reluctant to trust anyone, however my apprentice showed amazing promise, a very strong talent for illustration, no history of scratch work, drug free and dedicated. He’s begun the slow transtition from Apprenticing Assistant to Artist in Training, performing tattoos carefully selected by myself. If he progresses as outlined in his contract he’ll be a full artist with all rights and responsibilities in April 2010.

    One thing I’ve learned very well in my 18 years tattooing is a humble respect for the struggling artist who’s desire to tattoo burns inside them as it did inside me when I started. And a deep sense of reverance and envy for the artists who are masters of this art, still making it all look so easy, when of course, it’s NOT!

    Thankyou for having me as part of your community.


    Welcome to the forum.

    PM TurboSatan with a copy of your shop license. You can scan it and upload it to a restricted photo album where Turbo can view it. Once you are cleared with Turbo as a pro artist, you’ll be added to the pro artist group.

    Until then there are some rules on this forum concerning what discussions we can have. No discussion concerning technique or equipment is allowed except on the pro artist boards…and honestly few join in there. I’d like to welcome you as a pro artist, but until you get added as one, we can’t. Glad to have you here.


    Welcome to the forums.
    Thanks for sharing a bit of background, I’ll be sure to check out your shop.


    welcome to the forum 😀


    Hi and welcome.

    I am keen to share some of your ink (self and work done).

    Take Care


    Welcome aboard, nice to meet you:D

    flying eyeball tattoo
    S.Neill;46809 wrote:
    Welcome to the forum.

    PM TurboSatan with a copy of your shop license. You can scan it and upload it to a restricted photo album where Turbo can view it. Once you are cleared with Turbo as a pro artist, you’ll be added to the pro artist group.

    Until then there are some rules on this forum concerning what discussions we can have. No discussion concerning technique or equipment is allowed except on the pro artist boards…and honestly few join in there. I’d like to welcome you as a pro artist, but until you get added as one, we can’t. Glad to have you here.

    I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ll PM a copy of my studio license and relative paperwork and a couple photos of the studio this Thursday when I go back to work. We’re closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays.


    welcome to the forum buddy, hopefully youll be in the pro area soon then

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