
    First off thanks for taking the time to read this. My name is Tyson and I am just finishing up my apprenticeship in Wyoming at Twin Gunz Tattoo. I am here to meet new people and check out some bad ass work. Don’t know what more to put in this but if ya wanna know something else hit me up. Thanks again


    Welcome to the forum! Looking forward to seeing your ink.


    welcome to the forum


    Hi and welcome

    Looking forward to seeing your work – have you found a speciality style you want to concentrate in or happy doing them all?

    Take care


    Thanks again for the responses. My art background is kind of new school, graffiti. Although I have recently tooken a new outlook on all forms of art. I really want to be able to do everything and will be starting a few different college classes in the spring to kind of brighten my horizons. My mentor is a real fine line detail artist which is great cause I have learned quite a bit from him. I love all types of art. Seriously everything. Art is way to gorgeous to limit yourself to just one style in my opinion. I will get some pics up of my work very soon. Thanks again for responding.

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