
    Hi, I’m new to tattoo, I started 1 month ago and did about 20 tattoos so far…never practice on anything exept real skin. I’m already an airbrush artist and paint mostly bikes an helmet.

    Cheers everyone



    I’m gonna refer you to your Tattoo#20 thread. I’ve addressed your discussion there. I’ll restate it here. This is not the place to ask the questions you want to ask.


    wow you are in a good mood recently s.neill 😮

    personally i think you should sick to air brushing your attitude of only practicing on real skin and only after a month !! this attitude stinks .


    yeah, hasn’t been bad until now. Had a REAL good week last week and my check was worth all the work. did a lot of custom stuff and finally got our pool table for the studio.

    These week however has really been bad. Not only has business been down this week, but my truck blew two tires, I replaced the first one, then the second went flat at the tattoo studio, so I jacked it up took the tire off, had to pay nearly $150.00 for a new tire, when I got back the jack had lowered by itself, the burglar alarm went off at 6AM this morning and i didn’t get to sleep until 2 Am, so the Alarm company called, woke me up…I had to drive 20 miles speeding to the shop only to find that a stupid pool stick left leaning on a wall had fallen and the motion sensor picked it up, so now I’m up til 2 AM again and I’m not happy anymore. Looking for a chance to amuse myself and hope business comes in and I don’t find that chance.

    Hope your day is better than mine Butterfly.


    so far so good , i just go with the flow most days
    At least you know you have a good alarm even tho it was just a stupid pool cue that decided to fall while your getting some kip . :rolleyes:


    Yeah, and the day is looking better. We open shop at noon and I was here early so around 11 AM someone came in to get some work done. We were making money an hour before we opened. The Alarm may be too good. I do enjoy my sleep.

    S.Neill;48677 wrote:
    yeah, hasn’t been bad until now. Had a REAL good week last week and my check was worth all the work. did a lot of custom stuff and finally got our pool table for the studio.

    These week however has really been bad. Not only has business been down this week, but my truck blew two tires, I replaced the first one, then the second went flat at the tattoo studio, so I jacked it up took the tire off, had to pay nearly $150.00 for a new tire, when I got back the jack had lowered by itself, the burglar alarm went off at 6AM this morning and i didn’t get to sleep until 2 Am, so the Alarm company called, woke me up…I had to drive 20 miles speeding to the shop only to find that a stupid pool stick left leaning on a wall had fallen and the motion sensor picked it up, so now I’m up til 2 AM again and I’m not happy anymore. Looking for a chance to amuse myself and hope business comes in and I don’t find that chance.

    Hope your day is better than mine Butterfly.

    LOL man what a bad week, i had one of those bad days yesterday, i didnt want to be a tattooist at all:mad:


    Well, the business came in like I hoped. It’s nearly 1 Am and we’re still slinging ink. Shop officially closed nearly an hour ago. It looks like I won’t even leave for another half hour or so. Good for me…but I gotta be here again at 11 AM and I’m leaving at 6 PM tomorrow for Galveston…a 7 hour drive. Ya’ll take care, i’ll ee you when I get back.


    Do you get a lot of walk ins at your studio ? i love how on miami ink it only takes them 10 mins to set up and make a stencil :rolleyes:
    have a safe trip .


    About 3/4 of our business is walk ins. the rest are appointments. I usually have at least two appointments a week and Mike has at least one. Those are usually $400.00 or more and custom designs. Sometimes all I do are appointments. Mike picks up the walk ins when I’m that booked, but honestly most of our work is flash off the wall from walk-ins. Most of those are small $50.00 tats. I swear if I never saw another nautical star I would never complain.


    most of our business is appointments, i may squeeze in the odd kanji if im not busy, i’d say on average id have around 10-15 appointments per week sometimes less, these can range from small quick jobs, lowest price is $45 for kanji, to 3 hour appointments ( i wont go over the 3 hours unless they are from out of town)… alot of our work is custom design, or pieces people bring in. i have regulars that i work on quite a bit.


    i think when most shops are booked up and work on appointments it stops people coming in and picking something stupid on impulse:D


    Yes it does, but for most of us, the money is in the flash. As much as I dislike flash, most of my money comes from there. Let’s face it, tattooes are expensive, and the average person isn’t going to come in and get a $400.00 + tattoo, they want something more in their price range, which is $50.00-$150.00 and it honestly isn’t worth my time to custom draw every tiny tattoo that comes in. I’d lose money. But when you have a group of four or five people come in all wanting $50.00 tattoos that take ten minutes, you’ve made a decent amount of money in an hour’s time.

    I want to eventually get to where all I do is custom work by appointment only, but the demand just isn’t there.

    S.Neill;48983 wrote:
    I want to eventually get to where all I do is custom work by appointment only, but the demand just isn’t there.

    ditto on that one steve, but im almost there 😉


    Not me. I left on Vacation though, opened shop again yesterday and did nearly $1,000.00 in tattoo and piercings. Then today, I only did a simple $50.00 tattoo. Its up and down. I’ve got a custom piece for next week, Ghostrider on the horse. My own drawing, can’t wait to do it.

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