
Hello fellow Tattoo enthusiasts!

My name is Topher, I am 18, and live in the unfortunate state of West Virginia. I have no claim to expertise in the the tattoo/piercing field, for, as you will come to find out, i have neither a piercing or a tattoo (not for long). I do like to think that I have an eye for a good tattoo, but that is not for me to decide, i suppose. I am still a student in High school, and have not lived in the real world, so therefore, i do not claim to understand what happens on the streets outside of my parents home. I really hope i can make this forum a new home for posting. As I have stated before, I am a tattoo enthusiast, and I would like to be able to have a better keen eye for a good tattoo. I have no interest in becoming an amateur tattoo artist, and thus forth, will not be breaking the rule of having anyone help me to learn how to become one. I would like for the users in the forum to better understand who I am, so im gonna list some facts about me.

My favorite movie is Fight Club
My Favorite Band is The Misfits
I dislike country music greatly
My favorite Artist is Derek Hess
My favorite famous tattoo artist is Sailor Jerry (I enjoy the vintage sailor stuff)
I am extremely easy to get along with, and hope to get along with everyone here.
I enjoy long walks on the beach, and… just kidding.

Thank you for taking the time to read my boring ass introduction, and keep on keeping on.



Welcome to the forums!
And on a side note, you have great grammar. I’m big on stuff like that…. even though I am horrible at spelling.


Thank you very much for the kind words. 🙂


Welcome to the forums Topher. Enjoy your stay.


nice intro topher !!

im sure you will get along with the members here, there are mixed members from artists, collectors and those who just love the artform.

sailor jerry (norman collins) old school stuff is awesome, i have a friend in canada called sailor jerry (jerry swallow) who also does amaizing old school work.


Welcome, welcome! What’s wrong with your state? Too much country music? *hides*


Hey Topher, welcome to the forum


Hi and welcome.

There was me about to ring up all my single female friends and say hey I saw this great advert..:p
Just teasing good to have you on board and feel free to share tattoo ideas.

Take Care


welcome to the forum

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