and a bottle of rum…………..hi everyone ……… greetings from maryland to all the old timers here and my fellow rat pack members…..:p
Hey reef, good to have another rat on board. We’ve been waiting for you. Glad you got the registering sorted out.
There goes the neighborhood! 😀 Welcome, good to see ya!
Hey there.
Is your name reef diver because you like scuba diving or is it cause you love the reefer?
both. both. damn u 10 character minimum…
Hey reef, I forget…when are you heading to RI?
jan 29th………i get into providence around 10:30 and have a noon booking,
how do i unsubcribe to threads so that i do not get an email when there is a new post ???
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Sweet. Thanks, BW, that was driving me nuts, too.
Hey reef.
Buutwheat is always so helpful. Can you help me move.
hey…………..:o :confused:
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