
Hey guys, just joined the forum to try get some ideas and information about decent artists and what not. Ive only got one tattoo just now, just a simple little thing staright off the shop wall that I got a few years back. Fell in love with tattoos since then and plan for mamny more! My main one Im planning just now is a phoenix down my left side. Not feathered but black italic style lines starting on my ribcage with the tail ending round my leg 🙂 but thats big and expensive so that one is staying in the pipelines for a few more years.

My main thing just now is Im trying to work out a smaller tattoo for my arm just now, got a few ideas floating around in my head and was wondering if anyone on here would be willing to help me doodle out a rough idea to take to a studio? So main questions are, would somebody do it? (not deisgn a full blown tattoo or anything just help me get a basic sketch of an idea, I honestly suck at art!!) and where would I post about it?


Hey and welcome to the forum. There are lots of accomplished artists on this site, so, perhaps someone will be willing to help you out. Good luck and we all want to see pics once you have your design!! 🙂


Hopefully someone will be so kind 😀 the only thing thats stopping me just now is my design so once I get it I can go one step further and get pics of the actual tattoo up instead 🙂 oh once Ive scouted out a decent artist too! 😛

Dave Van

Post some pics and we’ll talk. 🙂


I hope you are reffering to tattoo pics Mr Dave, :p and if so where should I post? Just a newbie so I dont want to be posting everywhere I shouldnt. 🙂 As I said only one pretty basic tattoo of my own just now, but got loads of ideas for more (and random stock images Ive got off the internet for ideas) , just dont know which will work best together and work best for my arm…

Dave Van

Well, I was referring to a pic of your ink, but also of some ideas you are interested in for your next one, what kind of direction you want to go with it, that sort of thing. And you can put them right here, in general discussion, in my ink, just about anywhere people talk about their tattoos. But, as I’m always ragging on people to do here, put something in your private album! Even just a pic of your cat or dog or some band or book you like. It is very frustrating for many of us to try to learn about a new member by looking at their albums, only to find them empty. But, I don’t know if I said this already, welcome!


welcome to the forum you can use dave who is a amazing artist or just go into a studio because its part of the process to nock up some sketches.


thanks for the welcomes guys.

@ Dave, again thanks for the offer of some help, Ill take your advice and get some pics uploaded quick sharpish! :p It’ll just be some random pics at first, Im quite into photography so I have a few pictures I can put up so there is something there at least. As I said I have loads of ideas for different tattoo and loads of stock images to go with them.So Ill get them sorted and try get some uploaded later on today, Ill try to stick the tattoo ideas up in groups or something so the images are kept seperate for each tattoo they are for and Ill start a thread elsewhere to see what people say

@ Wardy I do see the design bit as being a part of the whole tattoo experience, thats why Ill get the final design done by the artist so they can add thier own artistic style to it. I just really dont like the idea of taking a load of random images into an artist, not convey my idea properly and send them down the wrong path and end up messing them about going back and forth all the time. Again I know the artist should be fine with it all and what not but I guess its just me 🙂 Dont like to feel like Im waisting thier time! Its probably just me being wierd really 🙂


got a few random pics up now guys, not much but it’ll do for now 🙂 Never got round to creating sets for my tattoo ideas so Ill get onto that one tomorow 🙂

Dave Van

Thanks! I don’t know much about photography, but the flower pic is hot! So’s your friend, btw 😀 (Oops! Hope my wife doesn’t see that!) lol I’m sure you’re gonna get lots of visits now. :p


haha, she gets that alot! :p When I get my hard-drive hooked up Ill get some more uploaded, 🙂 better start checking out some other folks albums myself I guess 🙂


Got some more pictures and what not uploaded, also got another thread going in Tattoo Ideas asking about one of the tattoos I want, if anyone is interested in helping me out!

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