
Hey everyone I have come here for some help i have been searching for months to try and find the right tattoo. I am trying to find something that is a symbol of Family but I just cant find anything that’s not a Celtic symbol so if anyone had any ideas i would really appreciate it thanks!


We need a bit more information in order to make suggestions. When you say family, do you mean your ancestry, or something to symbolize your family unit, such as, your children, spouse etc. Or do you just mean something general that would symbolize family & recognized as such by anyone looking? Welcome to the forum, by the way. :):) (hope I made sense!)


best bet is to choose an artist you like, go sit down and meet, discuss your idea and let them do what they do, they creat art!
They will design a piece fully custom for you


I agree with mrchen, your artist would be your best bet. I like original better then something your would find online.


Are you after an actual symbol that means family or just something that represents family to you?


Ok i am trying to find something that represents family forever in some way but I dont want to just get the words. My family just recently became a divided family so I want something that I can see everyday that will remind me of the times when it wasnt a divided family. I have been looking all over the internet trying to find something but all I ever seem to find is the Celtic symbol, a coat of arms or Japanese writing for family. The best thing I have been able to think of is a tree with my last name in the roots. I hope this helps explain what I am looking for a little better. Thanks for the help everyone!


Well a family tree is always a good choice, but also I like candles and I think that a lit candle can also represent family. I was thinking blood, lit candle or candles, flowers or combinatin of them all….perhaps if your last name is associated with a picture or symbol, you could incorporate that into a tattoo. Perhaps there was a certain something you all enjoyed doing as a family or a particular holiday you all shared in – you could use the symbols from that event or from that holiday that would remind you of the time spent as a unified family. Well, anyway, these are just some ideas to get you thinking. If there is a special word that means family to you, such as devotion, it will make it easier for you to find symbols. Good luck and please keep us posted! I’d be very interested in hearing and seeing what you come up with! 🙂

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