New to the forum, poking around looking for some new tat advice. Currently I have 6 as well as 12 piercings. Uhm…idk I’m 29, mother to a 4 yr old foster son, 9 yr old step daughter, 11 yr old stepson, and 2 month old daughter whose biologically mine. Yup my house is straight crazy! I think I’m a “hip” mom even though I drive a mini van but how the hell else am I supposed to fit 2 car seats, 2 preteens, and 2 adults…
OK I am married to a fusion welder. He has one tattoo and one piercing. A dragon on his right bicep and his tongue is pierced. Oh yeah, mine I have 5 piercings in each ear, my tongue, and my labret. My tat’s (though I really don’t like them all that much) are a small flower on my inner left ankle, I have fighter written in Chinese on my right calf, I have a symbol on my left wrist that is pagan and means man and one on the right that means woman, I have a large pink ribbon over my heart with my Ma’s name on a scroll through it, and a pentagram on my right shoulder. And the reason I dislike most of my tattoo’s are 1) the pagan thing was a young adult phase and 2) the only one done in a shop was the cancer ribbon the rest were with a stick pin and india ink (yes, I’m aware I made a pretty dumb kid!)
What else…I very much dig zombies and almost any music. Almost because if I have to hear one more Lady Gaga song (that’s the 11 yr old) I think I’m going to pierce my eardrums with a sharpened pencil. I am also currently addicted to Nick Jr. as I think Dora and her gang members Diego, Boots, and Swiper are brainwashing me…
Thanks for reading, look forward to some good advice.
Welcome to the forum!
Sounds like you lead a very interesting life. My wife got a Scottish thistle tattoo on her upper right thigh two years ago. I got my first (a green anole lizard) in June of 2012. She has added three more and I’ve now got vines, flowers and lizards crawing up my right leg out of a sewer manhole on my foot. No piercings though.
I’m a rail traffic controller, but I weld and forge steel on the side.
Mini vans are super cool!
Nice introduction and welcome to the forums
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