I would like to start by saying so far this is exactly the type of place I was looking for. Here is a little bit about my self to get started. I was never a big fan of tattoos at all when I was growing up and in my family tattoos were not looked at as a good thing. One of my co- workers was looking at getting a portrait tribute piece of his father and I was interested and joined him to get a consultation. I was first very amazed at how the artist was seeing a vision of the portrait and the professionalism he conducted himself with. So that got me hooked and I finally got my first tattoo which also was a tribute piece for my family. Most of co-workers and bosses didn’t think I was going to go through with it and the didn’t like the idea of it. Well “SCREW THEM”. After It was all done I got more compliments than I did WHY!!!!! because the work was top notch and had a very special meaning behind it. So with that great success I got 4 more tattoos and getting my 5th one in 2 days. So the only advice I can give someone who is on the fence of getting a tattoo. First find a good artist never go cheap because you get what you pay for. 2. Have your first tattoo mean something to you that way when it is completed you can always be proud of what you do. 3. This is me personally you will start getting into shape because the better shape you are in the better the look of your tattoos.
Welcome to the forum mate 🙂
No need to flex the guns to show your tattoo it actually distorts it and makes it look bad. If you want to flex to show your tattoos you will have to flex the whole time while getting the tattoo.
I’m glad you are into quality tattoos if you are willing you can learn a lot about quality tattoos here.
Welcome to the forum.
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