I have 4 tattoos and 2 piercings and I’m trying to find a design for my 2 boys, ages 7 and 4! Their signs are the ram and Scorpio respectively but how do you design something with both of them and a rose or roses and make it look good? I’m at a loss! Can someone please help?
A rose wreath, with some sort of varied colour on it… maybe put the ram and scorpios in the middle as the “centre-piece” and sort of bring them to life?? maybe have them interacting as such… that’s my first idea off the top of my head
How about going in a slightly different direction – instead of the ram and scorpio get the flowers that represent their birth months.
How about something a bit more personal than a zodiac symbol. Go with something that your kids like as in like the cookie monster, it would be more like a snap shot in time.
Have a good think about your boys, what do you think of when you think of them. Do a ram and a scorpion represent anything about who they are as people? I would imagine not. Think a bit more outside the box.
Or just get the cookie monster…
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