I was talking with Alycia when I was at the shop and she told me to pay attention during the shows for this,
and it is that most the tattoo TV shows add in the original noise from the older style machines when an artist is using a Rotary machine,
I saw Ink Masters the other night,and they do it on that show ! LOL
I’m totally going to be looking for that now!
What! I must see this haha
I’ve never actually thought about it, having never heard a rotary machine. But I guess they’re too silent for TV
Rotary machines sound way less hi tech but in my opinion hurt way less! maybe that’s just me! its more of a low rumbling that the high pitched buzz you get from a standard machine!
I hate rotarys. Nearly silent but hurt just as bad. Actually its just a mental cue. Hear the noise brace for impact.
@jerryatrophy 145528 wrote:
I hate rotarys. Nearly silent but hurt just as bad. Actually its just a mental cue. Hear the noise brace for impact.
ya,I have had both machines used on me and they both hurt the same IMO.I do miss the sound of the other machines.
I always have been told im weird to be fair, maybe I just had a light handed artist, though she was tattooing my sternum at the time lol
I had one tattoo done with a rotary and by far it was the most painful tattoo I have gotten. I think it all has to do with the tattooer
My first experience with a rotary machine was at the Baltimore convention in April, 2014. I bought a Cheyenne Hawk machine for Anthony Zamora to commemorate 100 hours of him tattooing me.
It’s definitely quiet, and smoother.
Pain? Tattoos still hurt some places worse than others regardless of machine.
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