
    I have alot of piercings and the only one that doesnt have stuff come out of it when I take the jewlery out is the one in my tounge.


    my tongue piercing didn’t really hurt at all during the piercing process. in fact I don’t think i really felt anything except for once it was done there was a bar which made for an unusual expierence.
    however the initial after pain was sore…helps to have some lollipops, cold drinks on hand. food wise was a pain for a few days, had to eat slowly and move the food to my cheek to chew there.

    into the 2nd week though all was a lot better. only pain in the backside was occasionally biting down on the bar when chewing. once the bar was downsized though tbh it has never possessed a problem. i could eat anything straight away with no biting down moments.

    i’d say do it. there easy to look after. make sure you head to a decent piercing place though…i can definately recommend Chioko in Camden Town, London if you about that way.


    hmmmm but does anyone here have experience about what the tongue is going to look like after you want to close up the piercing? i wasn’t talking about if theres nasty infection or things like that. I meant has anyone here taken out there tongue piercing because they didn’t want it anymore and if it left a HUGE scar.


    here is my thread, check out the vid

    also i asked about scaring and i was told that it will heal completely and you’ll b left with minimal to no scaring, your mouth is one of the fastest healing places in ur body, think about times u have bit ur tounge or bit ur lips/ cheeks etc it heals within a matter of days, u wont have to worry about a scar at all if anything it’ll only b a lil dimple barly noticable!!


    Without reading the other opinions in this thread, my opinion on tongue rings is that they promote oral sex and mess up your teeth. But who am I to talk? To each their own. This is my first impression and has no bearing on a person after I get to know them.


    my view is its FIT haha
    i used to have my done, but it dont boring after afew years


    Mine didnt hurt at all when i got it done, for 2 weeks after it was very swollen and i lived on soup and milkshakes, but everybody heals differently. i love my tongue piercing!


    I personally have nothing against tongue piercings, but I wouldn’t get it done myself.

    Previously I have had a nipple piercing and a gen’ piercing (both between 16-19) I still keep my earring because my brother did it on a mad night out when I was 17 :).

    The pain is not what stopped me it was having some metal plates put in after a car accident – the whole thing just made me queasy about adding more metal to my body.

    Also the dentist was giving me a right lecture about the damage it can do to teeth (I was busy getting my straightened out after the smash).

    I have to rate you ladies for getting them done – I am too chicken and will just stick to ink.

    Take Care



    I got my tounge done when i was 18 an the peircer must of hit the nerve in my tounge because i had like an involuntary reflex because it hurt so bad an i tried to pull my tounge back in my mouth with the needle still in it lol. but the pain subsided and it was done. Im no wuss either got nipples nose libret ears eybrow peircings and like 13 tats, an this by far hurt the worst for me.

    It took like a month to heal because did get a lil infected , mouth is one of the dirtiest places on your body (unless you don’t wipe lol) wether you want to admit it an it don’t matter how many times you brush ect still germy. I used listerine seemed to work great, I’d rinse more than just after eating not sure what the reccomendations are but i’d say no less than 6 times in a normal day aftermeals included.

    but have had for 8 yrs now and have no plans on takin it out.

    I do agree on getting shorter post, but the plastic balls are a lil safer but you have to tighten them frequently or you will eat a few of em and hopefully not a post…. Which i do think i have swollowed a post before.

    the metal balls stay tight for way longer periods of time , depending on how much playin around with it you do. I prolly havent tightened mine for months an it still in place (reminded me i just checked it now)

    only major problem with the metal balls is of course if your not carefull when you eat you might bite down on one of em on accident and chip a tooth,


    got mine done about 14 year ago then again about 12 year ago, then again 10 years ago. 3 is just alot to take. I took them all out about 7 year ago after my need to munch on food when drunk without eating my teath became more important.
    Pain, not so much pain, I think if you don’t expect someone lancing your tongue with a needle to be painless you are silly, stupid, daft, drunk, on drugs or maybe even dead, yes it doesn’t tickle but didn’t hurt as I think we expect it to hurt. Not the instant but the 20 minute afterwards are quite thoughtful. You will know what I mean!

    markus696979;36449 wrote:
    I used listerine seemed to work great, I’d rinse more than just after eating not sure what the reccomendations are but i’d say no less than 6 times in a normal day aftermeals included.

    For anyone about to heal an oral piercing DONT use listerine unless you are using a non-alcohol mouthwash. Not even sure if they make one. I personaly use a very mild NON-idodized sea salt solution. Rinse no more than 20 times or so a day and make sure to rinse after smoking/eating. Don’t drink for the week after getting an oral piercing as well. Alch can induce swelling and I have gotten the oportunity to witness multiple lip rings and tongue rings having to be cut out because they become embedded. Get pierceed with a long bar and switch it out once you are healed.


    The healing is relatively quick but painful. The piercing itself doesn’t hurt too much in comparison to other ones – that was the bit I was worried most about but it wasn’t so bad. One thing I regret was not eating a big meal before I went though, I couldn’t eat for days and was very hungry! I loved having it though, it was my favourite piercing, but I had the most annoying habit of playing with it with my teeth all the time, drove me (and everyone around me!) crazy… and eventually after about a year I woke up and my tongue was the size of a golf ball and I had to remove it, and I can only assume this happened because I messed around with it too much. So just a word of warning! And yeah it’s probably best not to get it pierced when you have something you want to enjoy like a concert over the next couple of days – pick a time when you’re not doing much so there is nothing to ruin! 🙂


    when i got mine done it hurt less than having my ear done, but the swelling over the next couple of hours was worrying and the throbing after bout 6 hrs drove me crazy, its best to get a good supply of ice cubes in the freezer as they take the swelling away..

    i had mine done and was able to eat a full roast dinner the next day, but it makes you talk with a lisp for about a week until you can get the bar reduced to a shorter one which enables the tongue to move around your mouth easier..

    my boss asked me why i had it done, i simply told him it was for oral pleasure….

    he asked me did it help…

    i said not really i still cant reach that far down lol :p



    My best friend had a tongue piercing a few years ago and the guy who did it went as far as promising that if she felt any pain she’d get the thing for free. I guess that shows you it’s not supposed to hurt.

    She also didn’t have any pain during the healing process at all. She just talked funny for a day of which I took complete advantage. 😀

    I would imagine it doesn’t realy leave a scar when you take a tongue piercing out. I had a piercing in my eyebrow (or actually quite close to it) and after taking it out you can hardly see a thing. It closed in a matter of 2 weeks I believe. You have to look really closely in order to see where it was. I can’t imagine it being any worse for a tongue piercing.


    the piercing itself doesnt hurt so bad, but it will afterwards. i sounded like a complete idiot for about a week and a half after i got it done, but it was worth it. you just have build your tongue’s strength back up after adding the extra weight, and re-learn to talk a little.

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