
    What do I do when I notice my nose piercing is getting an infection other than cleaning it and putting my ointment spay on it given to me by my piercer?

    Its not really too bad so i figured since i was on I would ask yall who have had piercing get infected… what did you do to get rid of the infection?


    i have googled this problem and keep getting different answers… one says use peroxcide first then use alcohol. I know better than to use these products… i have been around piercers for some time and have had my naval pierced as well and those products would make my piercers jump and yell NO DONT! like i was fixin to push that lil red button lol so i stay clear of that stuff when it comes to my piercings. But ALOT of ppl are telling me to use it!! wtf do i do?

    Some say use mild contact solution. i am not too sure about that though.

    Another said this:

    Do not remove it.
    Don’t bother with the doctor – if it was infection you’d know it (symptoms include localized warmth, fever, GREEN (or another funky color) discharge, extreme pain, extreme swelling) and it certainly wouldn’t “come and go.”
    DO NOT USE ALCOHOL, PEROXIDE OR BACTINE. These will all irritate your piercing.
    Do not use lotions, ointments, or gels. This keeps your piercing too moist and that makes it an even more attractive place for bacteria.
    I suggest doing sea salt soaks 2-3x daily. Mix 1/4 tsp non-iodized sea salt to 8 oz warm water. You can buy sea salt in most grocery stores and all health stores. Make sure you get NON-IODIZED.
    Good soap prodcuts are Satin or Provon. These a mild anti-microbials. Avoid anything else, as it can be too harsh.
    DON’T PICK AT IT WITH TWEEZERS, your hands, or anything else. Don’t touch it unless you’re cleaning it (and wash your hands prior!) By touching it all the time, you are just irritating it and running the chance of infecting it with your dirty hands.

    That one sounded like the best answer… what do you think?


    actually i find the peroxide does work for me cuz i had an infected cartilage and lobe and labray and i find that it kills the infection good, i did while the piercing was still in cuz it can help the hole close if u do it with the piercing out, but everybody has their own opinion on using it and not using it but i find it helpful


    i also heard of putting neosporene on it too… i always wondered that but never did it for fear it would screw up the piercing. ima go home soon for lunch and ima try either peroxcide or alcohol on a qtip and then dab some neosporene on it and see how my infection reacts to it.


    thats what i do


    please don’t

    the post you saw was correct, it sounds more like a hypertrophic scar than an infection. In which case you just want to do the salt soak twice a day, once when you wake up once before bed, let it be warma dn not hot. let soak for 5 mins or more. make sure that the shaft is long enough so you don’t have to worry about it embedding. Also once your healed up you may consider going to t higher quality jewelery. You more than likely have 316L surgical steel but you may consider going to titanium as your nose piercing just may not like the nickel in the 316l

    alch and peroxide are bad because it stimulates swelling same thing with soda pop and oral piercings.
    Neosporin is bad because it conflicts with your bodies natural ability to creat a fistula. and doesn’t allow the piercing to breath.

    Sickone;31545 wrote:
    please don’t

    the post you saw was correct, it sounds more like a hypertrophic scar than an infection. In which case you just want to do the salt soak twice a day, once when you wake up once before bed, let it be warma dn not hot. let soak for 5 mins or more. make sure that the shaft is long enough so you don’t have to worry about it embedding. Also once your healed up you may consider going to t higher quality jewelery. You more than likely have 316L surgical steel but you may consider going to titanium as your nose piercing just may not like the nickel in the 316l

    alch and peroxide are bad because it stimulates swelling same thing with soda pop and oral piercings.
    Neosporin is bad because it conflicts with your bodies natural ability to creat a fistula. and doesn’t allow the piercing to breath.

    My boyfriend told me about that with the neosporene. I soaked it yesterday with my sea salt solution i have and i did take a q tip with peroxiced around the bump. it bubbled up and then i wiped it and sprayed my solution on it again and i noticed a big difference in the bump by the end of the night. it was almost gone.

    Thanks guys for your help I really appreciate it 😀

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