Got my tragus pierced today and a double helix (so pleased with them!) just wondered about the tragus if its a piercing that would rip out easily? Seems like quite a delicate little place.
Congrats! Those were my favorite to do on my apprenticeship, but I haven’t had anyone come in for a tragus in a while.
And no, lol, you’re good as long as you don’t plan on getting into any contact sports.
I got my tragus pierced for the second time yesterday. I was fairly rough with my first one and it held up fine. One time I was riding a street spot with my friend and I failed a 360 down a 12 stair. I slid along the ground on the left hand side of my face (same side as my tragus piercing). When I got up the ring through my tragus was all scratched and horrible looking but my tragus was fine and didn’t hurt at all.
What’s a double helix? (Piercing newb here :))
It’s a helix that has been done twice :P.
It’s the top part of your cartilage, that has a CBR around the cartlige. Some people also refer to it as a rim piercing. And the double part just means there are two separate piercings.
heres a photo of them ๐ excuse the poor quality, used my phone
I thought tragus was the top of your nose, between your eyes. Man, I know nothing about piercings!
Just called a “bridge” piercing.

Ohh interesting you went with a stud. Most people want a CBR
Yeah well I didn’t actually intent to get two done, but I had one put in then decided later on that two would look good ha, I’m happy with it though. But I have to admit it’s a real pain to sleep with now as it’s a bit tender, and I keep catching them when I’m brushing my hair etc. Nevermind, sure I’ll get used to it ๐
I’m actually really glad you posted those pics, I’m getting nearly the identical thing done in the next few weeks. (If my paycheck permits… which it won’t. So in my pipe dream anyway.) Both tragus, and a triple helix. I’m probably going to end up getting helix spaced a little farther and with cbr though.
Yours are really good looking though, thinking about adding anything else?
I just took my tragus out. It was one of my favorite piercings. I wouldnt say they get ripped out easily unless u do extreme things where u feel it would be ripped out. But when i had mine i developed this huge red bump and i took it becuz i didnt want it to get infected but a lot of people told me that when that happens u just keep it in and it goes away. idk if thats helpful.
hope you enjoy your piercings ๐
Major Vagabond- thanks ๐ well i’ve been thinking about a little lip piercing for a while but as it’s a facial piercing i’m not sure..
brittx3- yeah thats kind of happening to mine but i went back to the piercer and she explained it all, it’s perfectly normal and can take up to 8 months to fully sort itself out ๐
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