    Grant M

    Just got a new tattoo on my shoulder 3 days ago and my tattoo artist never told me about using any lotion. I found out about A&D today so i just put that on. My tattoo is cracking and white dead skin was over the tatto untill i put the A&D over it. My main question is why is my tattoo faded in the areas where the scab came off? It could possibly be my shirt that pulled pieces of the colored scab off, but where the scab was has left little faded marks all over my tattoo and its really dissapointing. Im continuing to where the A&D frequently, but will the fading return to original color or do i need to go back and get the tattoo re done? (this is my first tattoo)
    the tattoo is small, all black one color.


    Well, if it has scabbed already and the scab pulled off leaving behind areas looking like the ink was pulled out, then yes, you’ll need touch up.
    Black is really hard in the first place. At this point, I’d just do the lotion. I do A&D for the first couple of days, then switch to a fragrance free, everything free :), lotion. Your tattoo really won’t show it’s final look for at least 2 weeks after being done.
    It’s too bad your artist didn’t give you good aftercare instructions.
    You really don’t want to let it get too wet at first either, which can cause heavy scabbing as well.
    If you need the touch up, like it sounds you do, don’t wait. I waited too long and had to have the entire tree redone in order to make it look right.


    this is all normal, though your tat artist should have told you how to take care of it. you should be using a a tat salve or plain aloe lotion several times a day. and my tattoo artist always offers to fill in the faded areas after the scabbing is done for free. i would go back and work this out with him, and then never use that guy again.


    I don’t think your suppose to use A&D ointment. When i got mine they told me not to use any at all, and not to use any lotion at all. But i know most places have different opinions on this. Mine healed just fine with no lotions at all. The one on my ankle i did have to use tattoo goo because of my legs being dry from the cold weather.

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