…it is scabbing – as in peeling? Should I carry on putting the cream on?
Yes this is completly normal continue putting the cream on and do not pick the scabs or it will ruin the tattoos ink good luck 😀
keep fallowing the after instructions,it will scab up and peel no matter what,do not pick it,trust me,itll scab bad then the ink will come out and itll have to be touched up..just keep it mosit,use a and d oinment for 5 days then non alc. loation the alc will dry out the tattoo too much
the best 2 use is A&D ointment i put it on mine and it never peeled and it didnt take long for it 2 heal
A tattoo is basiclly like any other cut, it scabs up. So yeah I would continue to put the lotion on it, and the scabbing is normal, and no you tattoo wont come off with the scabs unless you peel the scabs off too early, so DONT PICK IT. But it should be fine by the time it heals up. Good luck!
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