
    yeah it has been 4 – 5 days since I got my tattoo ( which is a tribal sleeve… stretching from my left chest all the way to my wrist) and as of lately… each time that I shower or apply A & D ointment unto the tattoo I’m knocking the scabs off as I’m going along even though I’m being as gentle as possible. My Co-worker tells me that it’s perfectly fine… but I’ve noticed it being a slightly lighter color compared to the areas that didn’t really scabbed… I’m starting to worry…

    also… it’s currently just an outline… the tattoo artist tells me not to worry about it since I’m getting it shaded soon… but still… I’m worried for future references… is it normal for the scabs to be easily knocked off after a couple of days? what should I avoid doing after I get it shaded? I need as much info as possible, plz help me


    if the scabs are falling off, that means that it’s healing normally, you’re fine, they should fall off like that.

    sick tat.


    a & d ointment isnt the best thing for a tatt..

    use Neosporin start with the OINTMENT and when all of the scabs fall off move to Neosporin Cream
    its best in the summer to make sure if you have the tatt out in the sun to use alot of sunscreen on it of spf 30 or better it will be sensitive and some colors can fade especially reds over time…
    scabs come off its nothing to worry about. and when you first get a tatt it looks like the thing is all puffy and bigger than it should be and distorted. after time when all the swelling has gone down and its completely healed you’ll be able to see what it REALLY looks like


    It is normal for the scabs to come off. It is also normal for some of the ink to leak out too and have to get it touched up once it heals. Just be sure to follow the advice of the tattoo artist.


    It is allright, especially if you are getting out of the shower or applying more ointment. The scabs are coming off when moist, and therefore on their own, rather than being ripped off.

    If your artist told you not to worry, then don;t!

    amy h

    I know alot of tattoo artists say use A&D ointment and it does work fine. My last one told me to use Curel lotion. Fragrance free, no dye, for dry skin. I was happy with it, very little scabbing.


    you are supposed to be very careful whe showering with a tattoo! You are supposed to not even really get it to wet!! Also
    for your info.
    The first tattoo I got was crappy quality and it scabbed
    the second was at a great tattoo shop and it did not scab at all
    next time be careful where you get your tattoo
    it seems as if your situation wont be the end of the world but next time get more info on taking care of your tattoo!! There are plently of great websites you can find on google that will tell you how to properly care for your tattoo
    anyway good luck

    help is on the way

    mine did the same thing…my tattoo was so bright and shiney when i got it then 4-5 days later it began peeling…and i got scared because the color under it was not as shiney and bright. but don’t worry especially since your ink isn’t finished. its all normal.

    for the shading part…put your ointments on until your told not to and then lotion and let it heal on its own…keep it aired out…i got mine on my shoulder and wore tank tops for a couple weeks …mine doesn’t look as light and weird as it first did…so don’t worry. good luck!

    Steph W

    when washing i put vaseline on mine to make them more water resistant, but scabbing naturally falling off is fine.


    Hi its normal for the scab to come off like that and sometimes the lining could be a little ligher in places due to your skin tone and make up the artist that is working on you will soon touch up any areas that need it when shading but still sounds like everything is healing well


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