I used stuff called tattoo goo on mine…..
I’ve always been told not to use polysporin. Never have tried it. A&D has been great for me and my wife, but we use it correctly. meaning that it is a very, very thin layer of ointment. It should never look shiney. it should be rubbed in vigorously. Basically, you are covering a large abrasion. After three days, we switch to Lubriderm unscented, and we have had great success.
Hello. First let me say>> i have had many tattoos….
About a year ago I had a tattoo put on my ankle. Turned out great.
You can go to flickr.com and serch noelle82 to seee the tattoos there.
second. I had it touched up with different colours about two months ago.
Now. The artist touched it up with magneta red from scream. Sum new ink.
I have sensitive skin. So didnt think to make him spot test it.
How ever.. about 1 week later. I noticed that the ink was turning a lighter pink.> (that may be normal) but my tatto was looking 3 d like.. The pink was rasied out of the skin.>> My ankle swlled up.> I have yet to notice any redness around it or puss..
But I have been to the doctor… first few times the god damn doctors though thats the way a tattoo should look… there morons.
and the guy that did my tattoo didnt know what to say or do. SO im on my own on this one.
SO.. I have spent about 300 bucks on different medicines.. And what sucks
is that Im so paranoid about losing my leg or sumthing
because the past few weeks the muscles on my l.ower leg where the tatto is is just hurting me so bad. I dont know what to do.. and im super scared and the doctors are just dumb… But as i said… I do not have any puss..>> Just raised skin in the butterfly area where the pink is…
I think he also may have went to deep on my tatoo cuz of all the ones i have…. he pushes hard…. Could I have blood poisening? could i lose my ankle? LOl am i over parnoid. please help. thanks.
Fuck off myfam you spamming piece of sh*t
The primary use for Polysporin ointment is to prevent or treat infection in a minor skin wound. Polysporin ointment is a type of antibiotic ointment. The way that this ointment works is by killing bacteria or inhibiting the growth of bacteria in order to stop a bacterial infection or prevent one from occurring.Polysporin ointment is designed to treat superficial cuts and wounds and to prevent infection from occurring. Once infection has occurred, the Polysporin may not be effective enough to reduce it. Consult a physician if your wound has progressed to the point of infection to determine whether or not Polysporin is still the best course of action.
My tattoo artist recommends washing the tattoo 4 times a day and after three days moisturize with unscented lubriderm when it looks like it needs it. He really didn’t like the idea that some artists say to use polysporin. I have 3 tattoos and the only one that doesn’t still look fabulous is the one I used polysporin on. Hope this info helps.
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