hey all. so i’ve couple tats myself and been told the best thing to use for healing is bepanthen cream.
but, i’ve used it a couple times and it’s given me a rash…which is odd.
has anyone else had this problem. and would anyone recommend anything else to use?
I’ve used it for the first and second stages of my tattoo…
Both times… the tattoo has healed very quickly…
I don’t get any side effects…
But all of our bodies are different…
What might work on one person, might not work on another…
yea makes sense alright. but, if that doesn’t work for someone what else could they use? i’ve been coasting by on e45, but i’m not sure if that’s the right way to go about it…
Try some tattoo goo it is all natural and works well on tattoos.
Take Care
but, i’ve used it a couple times and it’s given me a rash…which is odd.
has anyone else had this problem. and would anyone recommend anything else to use?
When I went to the chemists to get some bepanthen cream they didn’t have any in and instead of waiting for the delivery the next day I bought some Kamillosan cream (for babies bottoms), i used it several times a day and kept my tattoo well moisturised with it. I had no scabbing what so ever and was completely healed in just over a week, I was so pleased with the result with this cream i never bothered with bepanthen for my next tattoos, just carried on with Kamillosan. It’s very natural, camomile I believe………smels good too! I wouldn’t presume to advise, just telling you about my own experience.
thanks sherav an vizzielove. i’ll check those both out. you have been most helpful.
How about Sudocream… It’s in a white & red tub…
It’s also used for babies bottom’s, to help with nappy rash…
Might be another alternative…
It’s also used for babies bottom’s, to help with nappy rash…
Might be another alternative…
believe it or not allergic to that too!! ha. although that was figured out when i was a kid. see i’ve just got stupidly sensitive skin. thanks though!
I was advised to use either Bepanthan or Bachs Rescue Cream by the artist I used and I opted for Bachs as it’s natural and plant extracts only.
It’s got antiseptic, healing and moisturising properties so used just that and healed in about a week – no itching or scabbing.
It’s not overly expensive either.
Hope you get sorted
It’s got antiseptic, healing and moisturising properties so used just that and healed in about a week – no itching or scabbing.
It’s not overly expensive either.
Hope you get sorted
plant extracts only, i like the sound of that. i’ll defo go for that one if i can get it. thanks mate.
No worries. Boot stores stock it.
Let me know how you get on
Get yourself a Hemp stick. They’re only sold online but those things are f*ckin awesome. All natural too. The bepanthan cream never did crap for me except make the itching more intense. My hemp stick is my best friend when I get new tats. Cuts the healing time in half & I don’t have to get my hands greasy because it’s in this kind of push-up tube and you just rub it right over the tat. Quick & easy.
Check it out here: http://thesoappeddler.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=21&products_id=32
I’m new here but I saw this post and had to chime in… I second the HEMP STICK. It’s good sh*t. I’d been using bepanthen at first (2 days) and while that did ok, the itching was fierce. On day 3 my hemp stick came in the mail & that stuff felt good the second I put it on. Lasts forever too. There’s enough in the stick to get ya through 50 tattoos probably! I barely made a dent in mine. Best $10 investment I’ve made in a long time.
I tried bepanthen and came out in a rash, didn’t know it had lanolin in it which i am allergic 2. Am using since then TAC (tattoo aftercare) it is fekn amazing stuff and it helps soothe my eczema, aint used steroid creams for it for ages now! works on my dry lips too lol multi purpose for me. Check them out http://www.tattooaftercare.co.uk now where’s my jar gone? bloody kids again! lol
actually, since i’ve started looking into it a lot of people are telling me hemp sticks and aloe vera gel. so i reckon i’ll take a look into them. anyone shed any light on what they think of aloe vera gel? coz that works for everyting from hair gel to shower gel, and if it worked for tats as well ‘d prob be sold on that one.
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