
    Would appreciate some help, it’s been 4 days over since I got my first tattoo. I’ve seen and read a lot of conflicting information on the net and thought i’d post and get specific opinions. Here are some details and photos regarding my tattoo currently:

    1. I’ve been applying ‘Cam Tat Wax’ 4-5 times a day as instructed since Day 1. Thin layer, just enough to make it shiny.

    2. My tattoo does get wet in the shower every day, but never soaked completely or under direct water pressure of any kind. No contact with soap whatsoever.

    3. I usually wet my finger with plain water 2-3 times a day and gently glide it over the tattoo’s surface to clean off any dirt or contaminants. No soap.

    I’ve heard of scabbing, but is this too excessive? A small ‘chunk’ of scab fell off and I noticed it was moist underneath the somewhat dry surface – it wasn’t really BLACK, it was more semi-black or clearish.

    Should I continue applying this Tat Wax as often as I am? Logically, should I keep my scab and tattoo moist or let it ‘dry out’?

    Please take a look at all of the photos – posted from earliest (Day 1) to today (Day 4)

    Hope I don’t have any reason to worry? Please confirm.

    Day 1, a few hours after getting inked.

    Today afternoon (4 days later)

    Taken 5 mins ago.

    Taken 5 mins ago.



    The tattooist artist has really overworked that area – this means that he has worked the skin really hard and gone really deep which has resulted in the heavy scabbing you are experiencing.

    It sounds like you are doing everything correctly – although I have never used cam tatt wax it should keep the tattoo moist and stop it cracking.

    Due to the heavy handed work you are going to experience some serious discomfort for at least 2 weeks as that is gonna take some serious healing.

    The scab that came off may have lifted a small amount of ink with it. Normally you should be ok but once it has healed if you have any spots you can get a free touch-up.

    Personally i’d use another artist than the butcher who did that piece.

    My advice is;

    Keep the tattoo clean wash it 2-3 times a day and pat dry.

    Keep applying a small amt of unscented lotion 2-3 to keep it moist but not soaking the scab.

    Do not pick the scab at all or rub it.

    Keep an eye open for infection and be prepared to have some small bits in need of a touchup.

    If any ink falls out do not panic just keep the area clean and let it heal more ink can be added later.

    Take Care


    cool ying yang !! just get it touched up after its healed !


    that is seriously over worked and may even cause infection problems, ensure you keep it clean at all times and it is going to need a touch up for definate….. that scab is going to crack lick a buscuit if you aint careful.

    if it starts to crack, and then you get a wide red area appear around the edges then go see a doctor. the artist that did it wants shooting, he turned that into an hamburger 😡


    jesus id kick his frikken teeth in:mad:

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