
    Hey everyone, popping in to get a bit of advice. I got a tattoo Friday night (5/29), and have been following the artist’s aftercare instructions to a tee. Took the bandage off after a few hours, washed it gently with some clear antibacterial soap, and applied a thin layer of a&d ointment. So far so good, until last night… I noticed a few small bumps popped up resembling pimples. I thought maybe I was using too much ointment so I decided to just switch to a lotion the next day. So today I went to the store to pick up some fragrance free curel lotion (recommended by him), I applied a thin layer and went about my business. I had my shirt off for the majority of the day, so walking around in the kitchen, my girlfriend noticed that my back was breaking out severely around the tattoo. I looked in the mirror and started freaking out…

    I immediately started doing research online because i was scared. I got explanations from an allergic reaction to lotions, tapes, and laundry detergent, all the way to overworked skin. I even went back to the shop to ask them. He claimed he had never seen anything like it and suggested that i rub some alcohol on it and let it dry out. This sounded a bit harsh to me, so I didn’t do it. The only thing I’ve done so far is switch to a lotion I had used on tattoos in the past without any problems.

    Now, to try and eliminate some of the things that could have caused it, I performed some little tests… I did a spot test with both lotions on separate areas of my back with no breakouts. I haven’t worn a shirt all day, so it’s probably not laundry detergent, plus I’ve been using it for forever… The affected area in only in the immediate space of the tattoo and where the bandage was touching. I have no known allergies and have taken an antihistamine with no improvement.

    My current state: No reduction of redness or number of the blister like blemishes since this morning, and extremely itchy. I was hoping that someone might be able to explain what is happening to me and if I should be worried. I was considering seeking medical attention! 🙁

    I appreciate any and all help. Thank you.

    This photo was taken about 10 minutes ago.



    My tattoo on my shoulder blade got all bumpy and looked like it had pimples on it, but it didn’t and it healed up fine. I haven’t seen anything like the red rash before, I can’t help there.


    Good Morning. I had something happen with my leg tattoo and ended up going to the doctor. They call it practicing medicine for a reason. They had no idea what mine was but thought it was a fungus. Our situations are different but the fact is skin is tough stuff and very good at healing. Take a breath and change your goo to something else. Keep an eye on it and if you freak out too bad go in. Just dont be suprised if they dont have a clue. And by the way… the doctor that i saw really liked tattoos… NOT


    what it could be is a mixture of an allergic reaction to the latex gloves and or just where the skin has traumatised with the stretching to get the ink in, did the artist struggle getting a good stretch ????


    Yes he had me bent over pretty much touching my toes, and even then he was applying a lot of pressure to my skin trying to stretch it. Woke up this morning with no improvement, so I think I’ll probably go see my doctor today to see what they think. Thanks for the replies so far.


    Looks to me like it could be razor rash or razor burn where the tattooist shaved your skin??


    Its been 3 days and I am wodering how your skin is doing. Hope all is well.


    Doctor thought it may have been a bacterial infection caused by the razor i was shaved with, he put me on antibiotics and it was cleared up in a week. Thank you for the responses.


    I have pretty dry skin and when I shave at home (my head and face ) there is pretty much only 1 brand of razor that agrees with me

    Most tattoo shops use “el cheapo” brand you know 100 razors for $5.00 kind of thing so I figured it was probably razor burn.

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