
    I just got my first tat about 5 days ago, and I would estimate about 30% of it is scabbed over. It does not look infected though. I hear conflicting ideas of what to do next. Some say to keep it moisturized, (I bought unscented Lubriderm) and some say at that point you should just let it dry heal. Anyone have any experience with scabbing? And what did you do? Thanks a bunch.


    when i got my sparrow on my right foot i used the same lotion you bought. alot of ink came out and when it did start to scab over i did pick at it. but only were it was really loose. and when i had lotion on it. but ive always been told if something is scabbing and itching then its healing.
    good luck : )



    Grats on getting your new tattoo 🙂

    In answer to your question, all I can do is to share my own experiences. I got my 6th tat done a week ago and it is on the peeling stage. So what you are going through is normal. About aftercare, each person is different and you will hear many different methods, however, I would like to refer you to the aftercare Shorty posted as a sticky, it is really good and a good reference point if you ever need it.

    Now, what I usually do when I get a tattoo is to use bepanthen for about 4-5 days and then after that simply wash it and apply unescented moisturizer lotion 2-3 times a day. Having a toddler means that I am lucky enough to have an arsenal of different unescened lotions and antiseptic creams 🙂 Right now, I am using Aveno Baby and it seems to do the trick for me.

    I do know of people who simply let it heal and apply no lotion, but I coudln’t do that myself… moisturizer is good for that annoying itchy feeling!! teehee.

    I hope this helps.




    If you click on my sig link and look up the chapter tattoo after care it will answer the questions on both methods of healing.

    Mainly you have to pick one that is right for yourself.#

    Take care


    Thanks for the replies. I think I am going to try the dry heal method. I hear that the scabs will fall off quicker this way. I guess I’ll find out. Wish me luck.

    Btw, I added a pic of the tattoo in my album. This was taken soon after I got it.


    well it hasnt been overworked at all by the look of it, it should be fine, just dont pick!!!

    Izarrasink;43044 wrote:
    well it hasnt been overworked at all by the look of it, it should be fine, just dont pick!!!

    If you could see it now, you might change your tune. It’s so scabbed over that it’s unrecognizable, and feels like my arm was run over by a truck. Is it supposed to be this way?


    post a pic so we can have a look, ive seen some pretty bad scabbing on tattoos and they’ve healed perfectly.


    I uploaded a couple pics to my album. Is it supposed to hurt this much? Thanks.


    Oh dear that tattoo looks infected to me, the original tattoo looked fine, like i said not overworked, a very proffessional looking job, that would be hurting for sure, i would be keeping the area very clean and be putting bepanthen on it, maybe even head down to your doc, there looks to be some swelling around the area, some antibiotics would clear it up pretty quick if you were that worried. If you touched it in the early stages with your hands at all without washing them you could have got it infected quite easily, also poor aftercare.


    Dude get yourself to a Dr and I mean asap.

    That needs some serious antibiotics and a lot of tlc afterwards.
    You leave it you are gonna risk blood poisoning.

    Take Care


    Thanks for the replies. It has actually gotten worse since I took those pics. Can it be infected without seeing any puss? It has scabbed even more and is pretty swollen and tender right now. But I don’t know what to do, as I don’t have health insurance.


    Hi Wolfen

    Yes it can be infected without pus on the outside the swelling and the redness is where the infection is at also the heavy scabbing is an issue.

    My advice is keep it really clean and use an ice compact on the area. Do not under any circs pick at the scabs you will damage the tattoo and poss spread the infection.

    You also need plenty of green tea.

    My advice is take a loan or hock something if necessary the anti-biotics are essential to your health.

    Can you get them on a generic brand? I am from UK and found it damn expensive when i broke a tooth.

    Take Care

    Sherav;43208 wrote:
    You also need plenty of green tea.

    That’s not a problem as I drink green and regular tea all day long. (decaf mind you)

    I guess I’ll have to go to the walk in clinic and see if I can make payments. Thanks again for the advice.

    One other thing, could it be the fault of the tattoo artist? Could going too deep be the cause? I took very good care of it in the following days.


    Hi Wolfen

    Overworking an area can cause extreme scabbing and swelling. However the actual thing with an infection is hard to pin down it could be a reaction to the ink , germs from hands entering the pores, exposure from airborn germs.

    The main thing is to get yourself healthy and it will heal up with time.

    Take Care

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