
    Hey guys! The same guy did both of my tats. The one on my back (which obviously is hard for me to see lol) is looking kinda faded according to my friends. The one on my wrist (two and a half weeks old) is really splotchy, in some spots there is NO color. The one on my back is three months old btw. So I’m wondering why this happened? The only thing about the one on my back is the night I got it it stuck to my sheets. I kept it clean, washed it twice a day for a week and alternated neosporin and intensive care lotion and then just used the lotion for the second week. Did the same for the one on my wrist, except I bandaged it with gauze and coban while at work (I work in a clinical lab, so I’m around a ton of gross stuff and wear a lab coat, so I thought the bandage would help with the contact the cuff makes on my wrist) Should I have or do something different like kept it covered with saran wrap so it wouldn’t rub on anything whatsoever? I’m getting it recolored as soon as I get the ok from a different tattoo artist in my area that has a great rep. Thanks for the help!


    Hi Rebecca

    I am afraid you have the dreaded ‘red rot’ prob picked it up from the lab and you ever seen braindead or 28 days later..:eek:

    I will just grab my amputation saw…


    Seriously there is a number of factors that could have caused this problem;

    The artist could have failed to go deep enough into the skin causing fall out or a sieve flush as the pigment is pushed out of the skin.

    It could be shitty inks.

    Most likely culprit is the neosporin and intensive care. Both of these combined can very easily lift ink with no sweat leaving it splotchy or complete fade.

    The neosporin is simpy too strong an anti-septic and the intensive care can contain petroleum which also lifts ink.

    A bandage can cause the scab to lift – you need to air the area as much as poss morning breaks lunch hour etc to stop this and regulary change the dressing (make sure it is non-stick).

    You will need to get a reshade done and when you do use a softer anti-septic (savlon, bepanthen etc and just enough to cover the surface) When you use lotion use something petroleum and lanolin free and non scented. Or you could go for something like tattoo goo or counterparts.

    Take Care


    Are those antiseptics available at drugstores? *sigh* and those were recommended to me by the place, well, their website anyway. Thank you for the reply! I’ll definitely try those! And it may be red rot as well… you never know these days 😀



    Yes you basically just want a mild antiseptic solution any pharmacy will have it – savlon is a UK make so not sure if you have it USA.

    Neosporin can be used but in tiny amts and I wouldn’t recommend it for tats as seen many ppl complain about ink lift.

    Take Care


    if your not in the uk then bepanthen should be available…… savlon is on ebay but it would take too long to arrive.
    it might be worth getting some savlon for your next tattoo or your touchup/reshade

    i give a 40g tube of savlon to all my clients along with an aftercare sheet to take away with them 😉


    Oh… it’s original use is for diaper rash… I’ll try looking for it in that aisle at the store. Or, just order it online 😀 Thanks for the tips!


    Oh, forgot to ask, would using saran wrap instead of gauze be better for work?


    hi, have you got a pic of your tattoo ?


    only of right after I got them ):


    just looked in your album , which one is it thats faded now ?

    it wouldnt be a huge job to have either of them re done .



    The wrist one is REALLY bad. I haven’t got a good look at the one on my back, because it’s on the part that I can’t reach or see really well. But I posted on another aftercare thread and I was checking the lotion I used, it has urea and another chemical that is used for exfoliation, so that probably didn’t help at all!

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