
Hey guys,i’d like to ask if it’s possible to have allergic reaction 10 months after i got my tattoo. Yesterday i noticed that there’s a small red spot and it was kinda itchy but i thought that a bug bit me or smth like that but today it got even bigger covering half of my tattoo (2santimeter big) and it’s itchy and swallen but then again it could be a bug bite…right???? Help…. i treated it with allergosan but anyways… any suggestions?:confused::(

clueless;104798 wrote:
any suggestions?(

Spell check!

No give it a few days and see if it goes away. The ink has been inside your skin for 10 months so I doubt it’s a reaction from that.


Could we possibly see a picture of it?


Yeah a picture would help, as well as knowing what part of the world you are from. Here in the states we have a spider called the brown recluse and their bites are generally harmless. However they can cause necrotic wounds in some cases. The bites usually go unnoticed because they are painless initially, and appear a few hours later as a small red bump that itches. If you live in an area with these spiders I would be vigilant about watching that spot especially on a tattooed area. If it starts looking like some bruising is occurring I would go to the doctor.


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i’m not sure if it works that way


how do i attach files here…


I’m from Bulgaria ahhaa we also have spiders here and yes it could be that i was just wondering you know ๐Ÿ™‚ but still worried


OK everybody…..it’s a bug bite ๐Ÿ™‚

clueless;104907 wrote:
OK everybody…..it’s a bug bite ๐Ÿ™‚

Glad to hear it. ๐Ÿ™‚

btw, you absolutely can have an allergic reaction to ink 10 months or 10 years later. Allergies can develop at any time during your life. e.g. I am 34 and only developed an allergy to nickel last year.

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