Kit Piper

Arrrgh, can’t get ahold of my artist this morning to ask, and I really want to go to jiu jitsu class.

Tattoo is six days old. Artist told me to wait a week before going back to jiu jitsu. Tat is scabby… none of my other tattoos scabbed at all, but this one is on the ribs, and the area just never stops moving. Even when I’m just sitting still, the area is moving because I’m breathing. I think that’s why it didn’t heal up quite as quick/well. Just showered, and got a few small blood flecks going among the scabs.

If I go to class this morning, I will definitely sweat/rub the scabs off. It’s a white tattoo, so I’m particularly anxious about messing it up. Opinions? Do I need to wait till the scabs fall off? 🙁



Probably far too late to reply, but I vote for stay at home and let it heal.


You should stay at home if you ask me, far to risky.

Kit Piper

Rats. I figured that’s what people would say. 🙁 I guess it’s not worth messing up the tat.


your right, normally a week would be enough, but ribs combined with the fact that they have not healed well so far, definately chill at home, give it some time

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