Last Sunday I finally got my 10th tattoo after 6 years of no ink (lack of money to feed my addiction lol) Ive kept my tattoo covered with A&D which is what my artist suggested (same as my other artists years ago suggested) now its SOOOO Itchy lol I forgot how bad that was! It looks to be healing well, its began flaking so i figured it was time to switch up to lotion. I was wondering if Suave cocoa butter with shea was a safe choice to use? Its all i have at the moment other then a plain cocoa butter or a vaseline with cocoa butter. Also other then patting is there anything i could put on the tattoo to keep me from patting so much lol I feel crazy walking around patting my arm constantly and i fear scratching it in my sleep.
Ice packs work great, for itchy tattoos.
Any good UNSCENTED lotion will work. I avoid any petroleum based ones because they can pull some of the colour out.
Pics??? We all want to see what ya got.
Heres hoping this works lol. This was the day I got it done. Its the match to my left arm which has a moon with stars and swirls. Nothing super fancy for me just yet 🙂
And thank you for your answer!
Why do people keep smothering their tattoos in petroleum products?
Bandage your tattoo with saran/plastic wrap allowing no air to get to the tattoo for the first 72 hours. Within those 72 hours remove the wrap every 4 hours and wash thoroughly with non-scented anti-bacterial soap. Re-apply wrap with new saran/plastic wrap. Repeat process for remainder of 72 hours. After 72 hours remove the wrap leaving the tattoo exposed and use an intensive care FRAGRANCE-FREE dry skin lotion such as Lubriderm. Apply lightly as needed and for as long as needed.
I was washing up my ink this evening and noticed some extended redness…i found out a while ago im allergic to a certain medical tape and im pretty sure i just used that the past few nights and never really inspected my tattoo for redness before just kinda left it be other then cleaning and covering…My husband marked out the redness and sure enough its straight lines so im thinking thats the culprit….well i hope so or i have done something stupid and screwed up my own ink. Ive always healed fairly slow to start with and it seems to be healing fine nothing out of the norm other then this redness and some heat.
Thank you for that! Ive heard some say they use petroleum and others say not too, spoke with my artist to confirm today and she said to stay far away from them so ill be going out and picking up something else to use tomorrow. As for the soap im using Dial fragrance free 2-3 times a day (depending on what im doing that day)
@buttwheat 139547 wrote:
Why do people keep smothering their tattoos in petroleum products?Bandage your tattoo with saran/plastic wrap allowing no air to get to the tattoo for the first 72 hours. Within those 72 hours remove the wrap every 4 hours and wash thoroughly with non-scented anti-bacterial soap. Re-apply wrap with new saran/plastic wrap. Repeat process for remainder of 72 hours. After 72 hours remove the wrap leaving the tattoo exposed and use an intensive care FRAGRANCE-FREE dry skin lotion such as Lubriderm. Apply lightly as needed and for as long as needed.
Update, put some allergy cream to the extended redness and it has now gone away, looks like it was my own dumbness as i suspected with the tape…stupid allergies!
Aquaphor is all I use. I keep plastic wrapped after the tattoo for no more than 4 hours or risk clogging of pours and inflammation. The healing process for both my sleeves went perfect. Wash as often as you can with cool water and fragrance free soap, baby wash works well. Use a saturated paper towel with that soap mix to lightly wipe any loose particles of ink and discharge that occurs. It is a wound, fresh air is needed to heal it. A light coating of Aquaphor has worked supremely for me.
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