
    Hi all,

    I have just joined today and this is my first post.

    I am a car customiser/restorer specialising in old Porsches, and if you are that bored you can read my blog about my 1976 Porsche 911S…


    More than a few people have asked me to build cars for them, so am going into business building cars once I have left the Army next year. My brand name is “RocketWrench” which is a type of tool used for bomb disposal, but I am struggling with a logo.

    My girlfriend and I have worked on different fonts and styles, but I am not completely happy with what we have come up with. My influences are steampunk, art nouveau, art deco and 1920s, 1930s. As these cars will be playthings of the wealthy, my tagline was probably going to be “Fine machines for gentlemen”, or something else that denotes exclusivity and precision engineering. A gentleman’s monogram on a handkerchief sort of thing…

    Here are my first attempts:

    Would anyone be interested in working with me on this? I am willing to pay reasonable fees, and if the cars are a success, will probably have it on my skin too…


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