i was thinking of pink black and a couple of other colors.
alternating pink and black would be cool.
My daughter has a similar design wrapping around her lower leg. The stars are all different very bright pastel colors. She decided not to have them outlined in black and I think it looks really good that way.
liightt pink and light yellow?
just pink and black would be cool, outline black with pink stars, make sure you use a bright pink for better coverage and less fadeout in the future
your pinks, yellows, light blues, and orange normally dont look good after a period of time also white normally tend to fade away
black outline and pink stars. maybe in between the stars red or yellow
pink black purple and yelloW!
green and black
pink green
Talk it over with your artist, you
are paying him to help you.
Think Before You Ink
the stars should be pink and the lines should be yellow
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