    Calia’a Mommy

    to enlsist? he never thought it would be possible becuase of his legal staus in the USA well now that he is a legal resident he wants to enlist but his arms are both almost covered with tattoo will this stop him from being able to…the tattoos are nothing offencive or bad just our daughters name some roses and a koi fish.


    you can always talk to a recruiter and go from there. they will be able to tell you for sure.


    it used to be no problem, but the commandant has just said “full sleeves” will no longer be accepted. it may not be in force yet so your husband should check with a recruiter.


    No problem


    As long as it wouldn’t be visible with a sleeves down uniform he should be able to get a waiver for that. Once he joins it will be more strict though. The Marine’s just changed their policy on tattoos. I am pretty sure that you can find a copy of the new order. Of course the recruiter would deal with those issues, so that would be who had the final word. Good luck!


    The new commandant gave orders not to but they’ll give waivers for anything. He wont be able to get anymore below the sleaves or short lengths while he’s in thought


    He had legal status problems & both of his arms are covered in tattoos? I’m going to take a wild guess & say he’s Hispanic, right? Not that anything wrong with that, just sounds Hispanic to me. Also, if both of his arms are covered in tattoos, I think there are more than just your daughter’s names, roses, & koi fish. Unless it’s in some big letters & those roses are fairly big & I’m not sure what I koi fish is, but if any of it’s taken as possible gang tattoos, it may hurt him. Also, your family should think about what this means. He’s going to be gone for months just for training & on top of that deployments are even longer & I know many in the Hispanic community & they have a family value system that I cant even begin to understand. But if its what he wants to do, its what he wants to do. But watch out, he going to be low rank when he gets in & that can be tough on the family if it doesn’t meet the financial means of the family. But the military also has many benefits too. Eh, I’m just talking for the sake of talking. I’ve seen guys with both arms cover from shoulder to wrist in ink on both arms & get in just fine. I see no reason why it would be a problem.

    Oh, I see. Make one comment about the guy being hispanic & all the sudden Im the bad guy. I bet any of you he is hispanic. Come on, its a logical & pretty good guess I say. Im not racist, its just seems like hes most likely hispanic. You thumb down giving, nay sayers.


    Sleeve tattoos are a DQ. he may have to have them removed or covered up.

    michael r

    I served 11 years, had tattoos before I joined and had more tattoos before I left. A friend of mine had his whole 201 file up and down his arms. As long as the tats aren’t gang related, offensive, and can’t be seen on the hands, neck, or face while in the Class A (dress) uniform (AR 670-1), then he is good to go!


    I had tats when I went in back in 1976 but they were above the elbow nobody said a word but they do have restrictions now and if I’m correct they have to be above the shirtsleeve line and below the collar line and no hands or face. talk to a recruiter they will have an answer for you, you can also get on the USMC website. hope he makes it.


    Not likely a problem. Automatic waiver on that most likely. If his whole arm is covered they might reject him.


    the government will take anyone. I’d rather him not enlist and stay here to support you and the kids. do not believe all the hype they give you. recruiters lie.


    You can if your already have them, As long as they aren’t gang related or racist he is a go.

    Elizabeth H

    he can still join if he likes


    i just read something recently that they do not allow some people from enlisting with excessive tattoos…but idk how accurate that is, i’m sure they would still take someone who wants to join.

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