
    of women with tattoos..? Okay… yesterday I got a tattoo with my other 3 sisters… we all got matching tattoos to represent love, trust and dedication and to say that no matter how away we are from each other we will always come home.

    I love my tattoo but I’m also afraid to tell people about it… not because I’m ashamed but because people see me as the “good” girl and the one who plays it safe… and now I’m worried about telling the most important people in my life… I don’t want them to judge… but I feel free… for once in my life I feel like I’ve finding out who I was truly ment to be…

    particularly.. the guy I’m seeing… suggestions?
    Its a bird with a clover… to represent our irish blood!


    Don’t tell anyone. The guy you are dating will find it eventually.


    just tell them I frankly think they rock! going to get one when Im 18,

    Heather D

    If you were so concerned about what people would think they why did you do it?
    If you are going to be free then be free girl. Dont lie or cover it up. Just tell the guy you are seeing “hey look I got a tatoo with my sisters the other day. I love it.” Don’t ask him what he thinks just tell him how you feel about it.

    If he really doesn’t like it then he can leave.


    I think there ok on women as long as they are not to in your face i am sure yours is just great.


    Get a grip for fucks sakes, it’s not like you have SATAN across your face. 😮 Only joking…………………………………………………………………………… but serious!!!
    If people judge you, tell them to get a life and grow up. What, you’ve been seen as a good girl? Getting a tattoo doesn’t exactly make yo a bad girl. Your skin, fuck it! Do what you want:D


    Okay well I’m sort of in the same position. I live with my boyfriend and he’s really conservative. But see, I’m getting this tattoo for myself. It’s my body and I’ll do what I want with it. I’ve been with him off and on for about two years and solid a year and four months; he can handle it and so can your man. Either tell him straight up or wait until he notices it and act calm and collected. You DON’T regret it and it means something SPECIAL to you.

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