
    i am thinking of getting a tattoo like ryan sheckler or lebron james . somwhere along those lines but i cant seem to find the font that the tattos are if you no the font or one just like it .
    please let me no
    thank you


    To me, they look like something that would be in an old Western Newpaper or something. I would start by going to the tattoo shop and asking them what they think they can do for you. They usually have binders or books full of different fonts, and I’m sure they’re familiar enough with them that if you described it, they could find it.

    Hope I’ve been of some help!


    print out a photo of their tattos and bring that with you to the tattoo parlor and then allow the artist to draw out your name.


    download fonts and pic the one you like…they copy it with a heavy ink that they lay on your skin anyway for the pattern…might as well be exactly what you want…you are stuck with it for life. well lazers dont get out the bright colors anyway…and leave the scar of where it use to be. as a tattoo covered individual i suggest you seriously think about it…its kewl now but what about when you are 60…make sure you get one that will still b kewl then too.


    go for it just bring your pics


    Any good tat artist will know, but bring a pic anyway…

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