…knew around how much it would cost? this is the tattoo that i want http://images.google.com.pr/imgres?imgurl=http://tattoo.about.com/library/graphics/julieback.jpg&imgrefurl=http://tattoo.about.com/cs/tatart/l/bljulieback.htm&h=350&w=400&sz=23&hl=es&start=3&um=1&tbnid=DomYZfN1NGxQ9M:&tbnh=109&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dlower%2Bback%2Btattoos%26um%3D1%26hl%3Des%26lr%3D%26sa%3DX how much time do u think that would take to do?? i hope it wont hurt that much.
In Hungary it costs 50 dollars to 100 dollars.
It goes according to the size , mines is about the size of a chips ahoy cookie and it cost me about $ 90.00
why would you want a tattoo of something someone already has?
tramp stamps are normaly arround $110
might as well be a bulls eye… Just sayin.
Well mine was 80 dollars and its not that big and the one on my foot was around 60 But my cousin got one on her foot and it was bigger and cheater than mine so I’d shop around and the back thing is kinda not the hot place for tatts right now its the foot, it looks cute with sandals
Cost totally depends on where you live and the size of tattoo.
Be sure that you want it before you get it……….I’ve heard them referred to as “tramp stamps”.
ok first you have to forget the idiots saying you will regret it and bla bla bla. they’re morons. it will cost about 150-250 dollars. dont worry about the price the more you pay the better the artist is probably going to be. its a cool tat by the way. and it wont hurt that much and will prop only take 1 hour
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