
    This is what I have so far for my first tat, it is 2″ x 9.5″and I’m wondering if it will probably be done in one session, I would think so but I have no real idea. I’m thinking of getting it on my ribcage slightly towards the front.
    Also if you would leave feedback on which part you don’t like (best kind of feedback) I would be greatly appreciative.

    Oh, and it’s the top 4 chakras



    hay mate.
    i like it. but having it in the rib cage area for your first tatt seems pretty brave.
    it will most likley hurt so be aware.

    i dont see why it couldnt be all done but maybe there are more experienced members who could explain just how much ink the body can take and such other things.

    nice tatt.


    You should be able to get it all done in one go – but it really depends on how you are feeling on the day and your 😮 pain threshold (in my humble opinion).


    @tattman91 29609 wrote:

    hay mate.
    i like it. but having it in the rib cage area for your first tatt seems pretty brave.
    it will most likley hurt so be aware.

    i dont see why it couldnt be all done but maybe there are more experienced members who could explain just how much ink the body can take and such other things.

    nice tatt.

    hey man,

    Defiantly it would be pretty granly to get it there but you have to think about how high your pain tolerance is…if you have a high pain tolerance then i say go for it but if you dont id really consider getting it somewhere else..i have a rib tattoo of Gir from Invader Zim but it wasnt my first tattoo but trust me it will hurt.

    but yes there is no reason why that tattoo should be done in 1 sitting…if i had to lay a time frame on it i would have to say no more than about 2 hours..just because there isnt really too much detail in it and theres not any color…being just all black it should be a pretty quick job…

    but another place you might want to look into getting it is on either one of your forearms…i think it would look pretty sweet right there..

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