Just wondering if anyone knows how this type of tattoos have been going around lately. I haven’t heard much about them for a long time.
Also, if anyone has any. What you think? worth it? fades after a while?
by fluorescent, do you mean ultra violet ???
I havent done much research on them and dont use them so cant comment.
When I first began my research into tattooing I had not heard a thing about them so I asked. A lot of artists would not use them as they were uncertain of the effects it would have on the body.
My research across medical sites/journals and tattooist sites has stated the following;
Both have stated that many of the inks are not approved for human use and their affects are uncertain as many contain carecogenic/toxic traces (can raise risk of cancer).
Some of the inks contain polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) which is used by surgeons in dental fillers and bone grafts. This stuff has been approved but again this is used by medical professionals in controlled environments.
Microspheres of fluorescent dye used in the BMX 1000
The article is very long and dull but in a laymans summary –
This stuff is mainly used in animals and can be used as tracker markers.
It is also radioactive.
It can cause spillage of colours if mixed too much – can use 7 different types of colour.
It breaks down in the bloodstream after a period of time – so you can lose your tattoo.
Basically I would not recommend this shit to anybody even if the effects took 10 years to come out that is a risk I am not willing to take.
Other symptoms have been;
Skin reactions: Soreness, red/lumpy
Fading : Brown outline left or tattoo remains inactive.
Again I am sure you will find many who say that it is safe and theirs are great etc.
I fully admit I am no expert or medical professional.
But check the info out before you ink with it (which I advise against getting done)
Take Care
Wasn’t thinking of actually using it, but simply I had some ideas. Thanks for the info, very helpful.
a lot of artists still wont use them because of the risk factor, there dont seem to be a lot of reassuring avidence to say they are 100% safe to use..
The only tattoo I have seen done, did not look very good once it was done in any case. I’m not sure if from the artist or the ink, but it looked very scarred, the skin raised like it had an alergic reaction. And as stated, with the health risks i wouldnt recomend you get it done.
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