
    On a trip to Florida, I got a henna tattoo on my arm and had an allergic reaction to it. It has a left a scar and I would like to get a tattoo to cover it up. Has anyone else had a reaction to henna and been ok with a real tattoo?


    Hi Gator

    If you reacted badly to henna my advice is get yourself to a dermatologist before you even consider getting some ink done.

    It sounds like you maybe hypersensitive to pigments and since the contents of inks can vary I would not risk it until you can isolate why you reacted so badly.

    Take Care


    bad reactions to black henna is common . the people doing it want to make as much money as possible so they mix the henna with anything black to make it go further .

    i have known paints and hair dye to be used before .

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