    Robby The Sheef

    So, I’ve got a couple tattoos and I want to move on to the face. Mostly the chin. Problem is, I have bad skin. I wash it, but bad skin just runs in the family. I’m not covered in acne, but I still get pimples fairly often. What I’m wondering is if acne will affect the tattooing process, or if it will fade faster/unevenly as a result?

    Also, the last tattoos I got, on my wrists, still itch. I got them done in mid March. They aren’t driving me crazy or anything, but they itch sometimes, and I avoid scratching them, as it seems like a bad idea. Should I be concerned?


    Hi Robby

    In answer to your second question first.
    If you are using a spot/acne cream that contains zinc then this can result in the itching you are feeling as the skin is reacting to the agents in the cream.

    It could be that you are allergic to the ink used or they contain heavy metal traces – you would need to check what sort of ink was used.

    My advice is to use a non-scented moisturiser which should relieve the itching.

    As for the facial tattoos – I will not deny it (as from my other posts you may have gathered) I don’t like them.

    That said this is not my personal prejudice I am just giving you the basic facts;

    This is going to be a yummy discussion. :p

    A pimple is a hormonal reaction in the upperdermis (top layer of skin) or is the result of an infection or bacteria caused by sweat, dirt, oils in the skin. Your body is flushing the area with white blood cells that fight and die (heroic little buggers that they are) this causes the skin to erupt as the dead white blood cells turn into pus that needs to be ejected from the body to stop it going septic. Hence the swelling and sometimes ‘whiteheads’.

    If you get inked in the same area your body is going to try and force out the foreign body (pigment) and if you have pimples there your skin is already under stress.

    This emans that your artist is likely having to work the area hard to keep the ink in. this is because the skin is already damaged. Not impossible just gonna be sore.

    Also you would be more prone to infection if you try to tattoo over an area that has spots as you are opening up an area that is already fighting off an infection.

    My advice is you need some antibacterial face wash and a skin cleanser scrub. This does not work well with fresh tattoo ink so make sure that the area is clear for at least 2 weeks before you go for it.

    Take care


    Some artists are unwilling to tattoo directly over acne (with good reason i assume). Find out what your artist will do when dealing with that kind of skin problem. My best advice is to try and get your acne as under control as possible before getting the tattoo.

    I also hope you are prepared for the consequences of getting a tattoo on your neck/face. 😮

    Robby The Sheef
    Ross_W;41073 wrote:
    I also hope you are prepared for the consequences of getting a tattoo on your neck/face. 😮

    I already have had work done on my neck, and am doing my hands next 😀 If it costs me a job, so be it, I don’t want to work somewhere that would refuse to hire me based on that anyways.

    The face wash is what I use now, but I’ve considered using something stronger(prescription maybe) to get it more under control for at least a few weeks before and after the tattooing. I will also consult the artist to check if he will even do facial work, as that had never occurred to me. Thanks!


    Interesting thread, my next tattoo is going on my face, around my temple area actually. But i own a tattoo studio and tattooings my job, and always will be, Now as for the acne, im not sure about all that but matthew has covered it pretty well, i used to get bad cases of eczema ( scuse my bad spelling :)) on my inner elbows whenever i was under stress, i tattooed these areas when they were clear and ive never had eczema since…. weird as it sounds, it used to drive me absolutely insane with the itchiness.

    Robby The Sheef

    Weird how that works, the back piece I have hasn’t grown hair(I’m no robin williams, but I do have fine hair on my back) since I got it done. But the wrists are normal. Strange.

    I forgot to mention, the lotion cured the itchyness, so I’m assuming this means it’s not an allergy to the ink. Maybe it hasn’t set in quite yet?


    I have been getting tattooed over the last 20 years and have never got a face, hand or neck tattoo

    All the people I grew up with who had facial tattoos (in the early 1980s) are either dead or in jail

    Please strongly reconsider facial tattoos

    Aussie_Al;41090 wrote:
    I have been getting tattooed over the last 20 years and have never got a face, hand or neck tattoo

    All the people I grew up with who had facial tattoos (in the early 1980s) are either dead or in jail

    Please strongly reconsider facial tattoos

    good advice, in my line of work i can have a facial tattoo if i want 🙂 i do not however do facial tattoos for my clients. Unless of course they were also a tattoo artist.


    Yeah thats cool

    Unless you are Dez from Devildriver or a professional tattoo artist (I am looking at you Paul Booth) then yeah best not to get it done!



    quick question about the pain of a facial tattoo i have loads of ink on arms legs and back but i am wondering dose your temple hurt more than these areas when you get tattooed there

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