
    hey!! does anyone know of any good tattoo websites that allow you to copy there designs as there in the public domain?? also does anybody know of any cheap websites ypu can maybe purchase alot of designs for a small fee?? im trying to get a hugh collection. any help would be super coool.

    Thanks Ian


    Hi Ian

    I have spent hundreds of hours on the net studying tattoos for my PhD and the sad thing is there are very public domain tattoos available that are;

    Good Quality
    Identifiable as public domain without copyright concern.

    I am not saying there are not any but many have been snapped up by copyright of the web owners, reproduced by the permission of the artist/photographer/owner or are free but the quality is a bit poor photowise.

    My advice is ask ppl to donate their pictures but be clear what you want to use them for and be prepared to use model release forms if necessary.

    There are plenty of flash websites that will sell you sheets of designs – Outlaw even has some on his website which are very good.

    But as soon as it hits skin you are def in copyright territory.

    Take Care


    Do you have any idea of the best tattoo design websites out there as im after some top quality designs?? any help would very much appreciated.

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