
    Hey guys im 16… and yes you maybe think why would i want a tattoo at my age, well… i would like to get a tattoo that represents me.

    i dont think its going to make me cool or anything… i just love art.. and to better off show it… ๐Ÿ™‚

    whats the best place to get my first tattoo… i have a high pain threshold, ive been wanting to get a tribal sleeve, but that’s a bit elaborate for my first tattoo.

    Many thanks, Rob


    16 is to young to get any large tattoos your still growing.
    i got my 1st tattoo under age and it looked shit within a couple of years due to my body changing so much.

    now im paying out tons of money to cover it up . they is an age limit for a good reason.


    that’s why i said.. i wouldn’t go for anything too elaborate

    i have a few friends that got their first tattoo’s at the age of 16, and there are both in there 20’s now, and they still look good
    im going to give some thinking of course, its something that going to be there forever.

    16 is the legal age with parents consent ๐Ÿ™‚


    some artist do tattoos on 16 year olds with an parent there with them but i’m sure its not legal !!
    normally its just the artists that are only in the business for the money !

    All the tattoo shops i have been in will not do it .


    age limit here is 16 with parental consent, otherwise over 18, at 16 you dont really know what you’re about, id be waiting a while and thinking seriously.


    I would seriously think about it, althought I know NOTHING about tattoo’s I do on the other hand know about the human body and people say “you start filling out between 18 and 24” and honestly does happen….since I can remember i’ve already been around 60-65kg but the past year or so i’ve sloooowly creeped up and im now 75kg and im still training as hard as ever to try lose this weight but I just simply can’t because its not excess fat its my actual body growing.

    If you did want something try getting it on your stomach as unless your planning on getting a beer belly anytime soon, your stomach doesn’t really grew/stretch as much as say your chest/legs/arms as you grow older unless you get a significant growth spurt.


    Alright thanks ๐Ÿ˜€


    You want a tribal sleeve because it represents you? And what are you, a slave to cliche teenage tattoos?

    Not having a go at you, but it sounds like a typical 16 year olds choice of tatt.

    Izarrasink;46972 wrote:
    , at 16 you dont really know what you’re about, id be waiting a while and thinking seriously.

    As good advice as this is Izzy, and as often as we’ve both said it, has there ever been, even once, a single sixteen year old who listened to it?

    As for the tribal sleeve, I hate to say it, but what tribe are you from son?

    Love. Peace. Metallica.



    If you really want it we cannot stop you but every one of my mates who go tribal between the ages of 14-18 reached 25 and said shit I need that covered.

    We are all in our 30’s now and every one of them had that early ink recovered and damn did it cost them.

    I waited until I was 26 for my first piece and I have loved tattoos ever since I can remember. I was just not ina rush to get any.

    I would say wait until 18-20 and then decide – you have to remember women do not dig shit tattoos they love artful ink.

    Take Care

    Sherav;47040 wrote:

    I would say wait until 18-20 and then decide – you have to remember women do not dig shit tattoos they love artful ink.

    Damn can you say that again. Good ink on a well defined arm is sure to make most women, and every Englishman, within view swoon.

    *flexes for Matthew*

    Love. Peace. Metallica.

    KnightHawk;47002 wrote:
    As good advice as this is Izzy, and as often as we’ve both said it, has there ever been, even once, a single sixteen year old who listened to it?

    As for the tribal sleeve, I hate to say it, but what tribe are you from son?

    Love. Peace. Metallica.

    LOL wreckon aye:D


    LOL, ok chill guys :P, im not getting it any time soon ๐Ÿ™‚
    and my tribe is JAFFA!
    look it up ๐Ÿ™‚


    jaffa cakes ? PSML

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