Yeah I drew it. 🙂 Thanks for the compliment. I really like the thought of it on my calf, so everyone could see it. The ribs idea i never thought about, and idk if i want it on my back, because i might want a larger piece there and i want to be able to look at this one all the time… 😉
that design would look wild on ur back
I see what you mean, because of the wings?
yeah and with the two snakes going right down the center of ur back. i think that would look epic
You’re welcome! You’ve got some skills.
I agree. It would look epic on your back, but in order to look in-proportion, it would have to be HUGE. Do you really want it to take up your whole back?
You could downsize it and put it between your shoulder blades… but thats valuable real estate. Plus, you’d have itty bitty Nicole Richie wings on your back. LAME!!
I think you have it right, wanting it on your calf. 😀
Just realised Ive seen this picture alot on google so you might be able to print something off to take along to an artist as well as your sketch. x
I agree. It would look epic on your back, but in order to look in-proportion, it would have to be HUGE. Do you really want it to take up your whole back?
You could downsize it and put it between your shoulder blades… but thats valuable real estate. Plus, you’d have itty bitty Nicole Richie wings on your back. LAME!!
I think you have it right, wanting it on your calf. 😀
Lol, yeah, itty bitty Nikki wings would be bad. And there’s no way i’d have nerves for that big of a piece for my first tattoo if i got it in-proportion.
Lol, i don’t have to print it out, i have the original. 😉 I plan on taking it so we can change it as need be. Any advice on placement?
Already gave it a few posts back. Either back or ribs in my opinion easier to hide if needs be.
Oh lol i see it now, thanks, and yeah, but i really hope i won’t ever have to hide it, and i could always wear pants, i’m in michigan, so it never really gets hot up here, lol. Wouldn’t the ribs hurt a bit? Idk if i’d have the kahunas to do that for my first piece.
Ive got a tattoo on my ribs was the least painful place. You may need to cover it up for work or family stuff when its not appropriate for tattoos to be on show.
True… Thanks, you’ve given me a lot to think about, i never thought about putting it on my ribs. I’m reluctant to put it on my back though, because i might want something bigger later down the road.
Pleasure, its just like your wedding dress will it show your tattoo stuff like that i know its years off but you have to bear everything in mind.
Lol, i can pretty much guarantee that my dress won’t show off my tattoo, considering i’m a guy… And yeah, i know what you mean, thanks for the help, you’ve been an asset in my decision. i still have a bit of time before i even turn 18, and even then i can still wait a bit.
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