
Hey. I bought a tattoo machine kit just to mess around with, on practice skin of course. I’d never take that shit to myself or anybody else. But it won’t work. =/

My supply is on and working, but my machine won’t run, at all.

It’s driving me crazy.

Am I not putting the power clips in the right place?

I understand sometimes they don’t work if there’s a carbon build up, but I’ve never used it. I’m trying to now, won’t work for shit. =/


Please help.


Um, dude, fair warning. We don’t allow unlicensed tattoo discussions here. Even if you’re saying you’ve got the good sense not to touch a human being with that thing, alot of people here will jump down your throat for even just having it.

I’d advise that you use our forum search feature to find the moderator Outlaw. In his signature there’s a link to his forum where they do allow that kinda talk.

Good luck my man, and please, don’t become a fucking scratcher. Go get apprenticed and do this shit the responsible, adult way.

Love. Peace. Metallica.

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