
Hey everyone, I am 21 years old and I am thinking about getting a tattoo of Guan Yu on my chest area..

Guan Yu is a chinese deity that is considered to be the “God of War, God of Loyalty”, Im not quite sure exactly since in some cultures it varies. But in general, he represent Trust, Respect, Loyalty, etc. He is also worshiped by the chinese Triads, and chinese policemen and soliders, etc.

I would probaby be getting something like this .. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_XZxA4-fO-j8/TOeod67YIaI/AAAAAAAAAAY/jBjgzlCMNOI/s1600/DSCN2704.jpg , but in Dark blue/ Greyish color? The color that is most popular when people get words tattooed.

The reason Why i want to get Guan Yu and Loyalty tattooed on me is that, I believe a lot in Loyalty, trust, and respect. I worship Guan Yu, because i believe he will protect me from harm and give me the strength and confidence/power to accomplish all my goals…I have a lot of respect for Guan Yu.

I dont believe that there are superstitions involved. Especially since I am a worshipped myself.

The only thing i am questioning or worried about is that I know that Guan Yu is a respected figure in Chinese culture and even some asian cultures. It is popular among the TRIADS and some other gangs. So I am worried that people may think I am affiliated with chinese Gang. (I am chinese) And that it may cause trouble in the future. For example, when traveling and I go to the beach, maybe to some asian countries, people may see and want to fight me or kill me?

However, I am a dancer and currently almost finished University. So I am not a gangster, or like violence or crime or drugs. But i believe a lot in Loyalty and respect!

My question is: Does anyone know if getting a Guan Yu tattoo on my chest will get me stabbed or beat up or anything dangerous? It will be hidden of course, but I dont want people to think I am a triad boss or something like that…..

What are your thoughts?


Well, I am not Chinese and don’t enough about the culture to know if only criminals are associated with Guan Yu. I could Google it and find it, but then again, so could you. 🙂 Generally speaking though, I don’t give a damn what people think of my ink. I’m actually considering getting a very violent tattoo in a very visible place that I am 100% certain will offend people. Too bad for them. I am offended when a 400-lb woman wears a pair of daisy dukes and a cut-off t so I suppose it all evens out.



Personally because of the cultural taboo on the issue and the links that it has with organised crime a lot of Asians are just going to see the ink and that is what they will think no matter how much you deny it.

If you can cope with this then get it – ink is for yourself and nobody else.

However if you have the slightest doubts then I would suggest getting something else that represents your beliefs.

Take Care


How is that different than a Japanese dragon, which every second person seems to have? They’re supposed to be linked to triads too?

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